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New Issue: July 36(7)

The July issue of RFS has published! The Editor’s Choice paper is: “Climate Risk Disclosure and Institutional Investors” by Emirhan Ilhan, Philipp Krueger, Zacharias Sautner, and Laura T Starks

CUHK-RAPS Conference on Asset Pricing and Investment

The CUHK-RAPS Conference on Asset Pricing and Investment is now accepting submissions. Please see the Call for Papers. The conference, which features a dual submission option with RAPS, will be held December 7-8, 2023, at the CUHK Business School in Hong Kong. The RAPS sponsoring editor is Zhiguo He. The submission deadline is August 13, 2023.

Forthcoming Paper

“Solving Serial Acquirer Puzzles” by Antonio J. Macias, Raghavendra Rau, and Aris Stouraitis

Associate Editors

We thank the following Associate Editors, who have completed their terms: Tobias Berg Anna Cieslak Andra Ghent Arthur Korteweg Justin Murfin Giorgia Piacentino David Solomon And we welcome our incoming Associate Editors: Turan Bali (Georgetown University) Janet Gao (Georgetown University) Umit Gurun (University of Texas at Dallas) Elisabeth Kempf (Harvard Business School) Andrey Malenko (University of Michigan) Carolin Pflueger (University of Chicago) Changes are effective July 1.

Editorial Team Changes

We are very grateful to Lauren Cohen and Stefano Giglio, who are retiring as Editors. Lauren has been an Editor with RFS since 2017, and Stefano has been an Editor with RFS since 2020. We thank them for their service. We are pleased to share that Clemens Siam (University of Texas at Austin) and Anna Pavlova (London Business School) are joining the RFS team as Editors. Gregor Matvos and Tarun… Read More »Editorial Team Changes

Editorial Team Changes

We are pleased to share that the following associate editors have been renewed for second terms: Heitor Almeida Jonathan Cohn Sudipto Dasgupta Elena Loutskina Andrey Malenko Paige Ouimet Giorgia Piacentino Adriano Rampini Martin Schmalz We are also so grateful to Camelia Kuhnen, who will be retiring from her role as Editor in October. Cami has been an RCFS editor since 2020, and previously served as an Associate Editor. Changes are… Read More »Editorial Team Changes

Editorial Team Changes

We are very grateful to Clemens Sialm, who is retiring as an Editor of RAPS. Clemens also previously served as an Associate Editor for RAPS. We wish him all the best in his new role as an Editor at the Review of Financial Studies! We also thank Dimitri Vayanos, who is retiring as an Associate Editor. Changes are effective July 1.

SFS Council Changes

We are pleased to share that Liyan Yang has been renewed for a second term. We are very grateful to Allaudeen Hameed, Karin Thorburn, and Paola Sapienza, who are retiring from the Council. Please join us in welcoming Carola Frydman (Kellogg School of Management), Jonathan M. Karpoff (Foster School of Business), and Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi (University of Mannheim Business School). Changes are effective July 1.