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SFS News

Decisions for SFS Cavalcade North America 2025

The decisions for SFS Cavalcade North America 2025 have been sent. We received 1537 submissions. The final program was highly selective, with an 9.4% acceptance rate. If you selected dual submission with RAPS or RCFS, you will receive a separate decision email from the journal in the next few weeks.

SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific Awards

  • SFS News

Congratulations to the winners of the Best Paper Awards at SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific 2024: Arthur Warga Award for Best Paper in Fixed Income: “Money Market Funds and the Pricing of Near-Money Assets” by Sebastian Doerr, Egemen Eren, and Semyon Malamud Best Paper in Asset Pricing: “Getting to the Core: Inflation Risks Within and Across Asset Classes” by Xiang Fang, Yang Liu, and Nikolai Roussanov Best Paper in Corporate Finance: “Inferring… Read More »SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific Awards

New Editor Appointment

RFS is pleased to announce the appointment of Jessica Wachter as an Editor beginning January 22, 2025. Jessica is the Dr. Bruce I. Jacobs Professor in Quantitative Finance at the Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania, and previously was Chief Economist and Director of the Division of Economic and Risk Analysis at the Securities and Exchange Commission. She also previously served as an Associate Editor for the Review… Read More »New Editor Appointment

Cavalcade Review Deadline

Program Committee members for SFS Cavalcade North America 2025, please take note – reviews are due tomorrow, January 22.

Final Day to Submit

Today is the final day to submit to SFS Cavalcade North America! Please make sure to begin your submission with time to complete it before 11:59pm ET. To submit, please visit SFS Cavalcade North America.

Deadline Approaching: SFS Cavalcade North America

The deadline to submit to SFS Cavalcade North America is approaching! To submit, please visit SFS Cavalcade North America. The deadline for submissions is December 11, 2024. Dual Submission: The Cavalcade features optional dual submission with the Review of Asset Pricing Studies and the Review of Corporate Finance Studies. PhD Students: The Cavalcade offers submission fee waivers for papers in which ALL co-authors are doctoral students, as well as a limited number of PhD travel… Read More »Deadline Approaching: SFS Cavalcade North America

Submission Period Closed

The submission period for Registered Reports on “Understanding Firms, Households and Financing in the Age of AI” is now closed for the RCFS Winter Conference 2025.

Final Day to Submit

Today is the final day to submit Registered Reports on “Understanding Firms, Households and Financing in the Age of AI” to the RCFS Winter Conference 2025. Please make sure to begin your submission with time to complete it before 11:59pm PT. Submit here.