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Guidelines for Submissions

These guidelines are for new submissions and resubmissions. Submissions will not be reviewed until they adhere to the guidelines.

Your submission must include a cover page PDF with author contact information and a separate manuscript PDF without identifying information.

The cover page file:
-must include the paper title.
-must include the name, affiliation, and email address for each author.
-may include acknowledgments (optional).
Please see the cover page example.

The manuscript file:
-must be anonymous. Do not include author information or acknowledgments.
-must include the paper title.
-must include the abstract (limit: 100 words).
-must be double-spaced (limit: 28 lines per page).
-must have size 11 or larger font.                                                                                               -must include alt text underneath all figure captions (see here for further instructions about figure accessibility and alt text).
-must not include endnotes. You may use footnotes instead.
-may include an internet appendix.
Please see the manuscript example.

Internet Appendices
-If you have internet appendices, include them in the manuscript PDF file. DO NOT upload appendices separately. Make sure the internet appendix is marked clearly and does not contain author names.

-follow the Instructions for Authors on OUP’s web site; those guidelines are for accepted papers.
-use a scan of a printed document as your manuscript pdf.
-include a boilerplate table of contents paragraph at the end of the paper’s introduction.
-submit the online appendix as a separate file. It should be contained within the main file, clearly marked.

Professional Editing Services
Papers must be written in English. The grammar does not have to be perfect, but articles will be desk rejected if the editor believes reading the paper will put an unfair burden on reviewers. Our publisher offers suggestions for professional editing services at