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SFS News

December 2014 Issue of RAPS

  • SFS News

The December issue of RAPS has now published online. View the issue here and check out the Editor’s Choice article, “Rating-Based Investment Practices and Bond Market Segmentation,” by Zhihua Chen, Aziz A. Lookman, Norman Schürhoff, and Duane J. Seppi here for free!

Cavalcade Award for Best Paper in Corporate Finance

  • SFS News

The SFS is happy to announce that the sponsor for the 2015 SFS Finance Cavalcade Award for the Best Paper in Corporate Finance will be the Chazen Institute of International Business at Columbia Business School, in honor of Jerome A. Chazen. Papers submitted to Cavalcade 2015 are eligible to win this award, which comes with a $1000 prize.

RFS Authors Featured on OUP Blog

  • SFS News

Authors Chen Xue, Kewei Hou, and Lu Zhang are featured on the Oxford University Press blog in a post titled, “A new benchmark model for estimating expected stock returns,” based on their paper, “Digesting Anomalies: An Investment Approach,” which is forthcoming in RFS. To accompany the post, we’ve made the paper free to read online! Check out the blog post here and read the paper here.

Laura Starks in The National Law Review

  • SFS News

SFS Vice President and former RFS Editor Laura Starks was featured in a Q&A for The National Law Review on the topic of investor activism. You can read the story at Perspectives on Investor Activism.

Submission Period is Now Open for Cavalcade 2015

  • SFS News

The Cavalcade 2015 submission period is now open. To submit, please visit Cavalcade 2015. The deadline for submissions is December 8, 2014. Reminder for doctoral students: For papers in which ALL co-authors are doctoral students, the submission fee is waived.