Final Week to Submit to SFS Cavalcade North America
This is the final week to submit your paper for consideration for SFS Cavalcade North America 2021. The deadline for submissions is December 10, 2020.
This is the final week to submit your paper for consideration for SFS Cavalcade North America 2021. The deadline for submissions is December 10, 2020.
The submission period for papers for the RCFS Winter Conference is closed. The submission period for registered reports is open until December 21.
The final day to submit papers to the RCFS Winter Conference is December 1, 2020. The conference, which features a dual submission option with RCFS, will take place virtually on February 13 and 14, 2021. The sponsoring editors are Andrew Ellul, Isil Erel, Camelia Kuhnen, and Uday Rajan. The submission deadline for Registered Reports on Discrimination, Disparities, and Diversity in Finance is December 21, 2020.
The position of Part-Time Data Collection Assistant has been filled. Thank you to everyone who submitted a resume.
The submission period for SFS Cavalcade North America 2021 is now open. To submit, please visit SFS Cavalcade North America 2021. The deadline for submissions is December 10, 2020. Dual Submission: The Cavalcade features a dual submission option with the Review of Asset Pricing Studies and the Review of Corporate Finance Studies. Reminder for doctoral students: For papers in which ALL co-authors are doctoral students, the submission fee is waived.
We are pleased to announce that the Review of Asset Pricing Studies and the Review of Corporate Finance Studies have made the decision to begin publishing four issues per year, starting in 2021. Both journals have experienced a sustained influx of high quality submissions, allowing an increase in our annual number of published papers.
Due to COVID-19, SFS Cavalcade North America 2021 will be held virtually. The McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin, which won the bid to host 2021, will instead host SFS Cavalcade North America 2022.
RCFS has published a special issue on The COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis and Corporate Finance. This issue, 9(3) November 2020, which features 8 papers, is the first to be published by a finance journal on COVID and corporate finance. It presents important early research on the economic impact of the pandemic. The entire issue is free to read online.
The 2021 RCFS Winter Conference is now accepting submissions. Please see the Call for Papers and the Call for Registered Reports on Discrimination, Disparities, and Diversity in Finance for more details. The conference, which features a dual submission option with RCFS, will take place virtually on February 13 and 14, 2021. The sponsoring editors are Andrew Ellul, Isil Erel, Camelia Kuhnen, and Uday Rajan. The submission deadline is December 1, 2020,… Read More »Call for Papers: 2021 RCFS Winter Conference
UPDATED NOVEMBER 16, 2020: The position has been filled. The Society of Financial Studies has an opening for a data collection assistant. This is a virtual position, which provides the flexibility to work where you wish. The typical workload is approximately 10 hours per week. Some familiarity with finance journals and papers is preferred. This position pays $20 per hour. Please send CV/resumes to by October 31, 2020.