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RFS News

Editor’s Choice 33(10)

  • RFS News

The Editor’s Choice article for 33(10) is “Deadlock on the Board” by Jason Roderick Donaldson, Nadya Malenko, and Giorgia Piacentino. You can read the paper free online.

Editor’s Choice 33(9)

The Editor’s Choice article for 33(9) is “Initial Coin Offerings: Financing Growth with Cryptocurrency Token Sales” by Sabrina T. Howell, Marina Niessner, and David Yermack. You can read the paper free online.

Itay Goldstein in ABC News

Itay Goldstein was interviewed for an ABC News story titled “Why the stock market is divorced from the pain of a pandemic economy.”

RFS Editors in the News

Ralph Koijen’s research is featured in “The anatomy of a very brief bear market” in Financial Times. Lauren Cohen’s research is featured in “When Companies Favor Bullish Analysts on Calls, Bad News Often Follows” in The Wall Street Journal.

Call for Papers: NBER Big Data and Securities Markets Virtual Conference

The Call for Papers for the NBER Big Data and Securities Markets Virtual Conference is now available. The conference, which features a dual submission option with RFS, will take place online December 3-4, 2020. The RFS sponsoring editor is Itay Goldstein. The submission deadline is September 27, 2020.

Advisory Editor

We are pleased to welcome Xin Fan to the advisory editor team. Our advisory editors perform important tasks for new submissions, including the crucial task of recommending reviewers. Xin begins her role on August 16, 2020. We are thankful to Scott Guernsey, who will complete his role as an advisory editor on August 16. We wish him the best of luck in his new role at the University of Tennessee’s… Read More »Advisory Editor

Editor’s Choice 33(8)

The Editor’s Choice article for 33(8) is “Uncertainty and Economic Activity: A Multicountry Perspective” by Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, M. Hashem Pesaran, and Alessandro Rebucci. You can read the paper free online.

Impact Factor

We are pleased to share that the RFS impact factor for 2019 is 4.649 and the 5-year Impact Factor is 7.100 (Clarivate, 2020). These results are among the highest in RFS history and among the top ones in the field. OUP has granted temporary free access to some of RFS’s most cited papers.

Editor’s Choice 33(7)

The Editor’s Choice article for 33(7) is “On the Rise of FinTechs: Credit Scoring Using Digital Footprints” by Tobias Berg, Valentin Burg, Ana Gombović, and Manju Puri. You can read the paper free online.

Call for Papers: ECB-RFS Macro-Finance Conference

The Call for Papers for the 2021 ECB-RFS Macro-Finance Conference is now available. The conference, which features a dual submission option with RFS, will take place March 22-23 at the ECB in Frankfurt. The RFS sponsoring editors are Itay Goldstein and Ralph Koijen. The submission deadline is November 15, 2020.