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RFS News

Editorial Team Changes

We are pleased to share that Itay Goldstein has been renewed for another 3-year term as Executive Editor and Ralph Koijen has been renewed for a second term as an editor. We are grateful to our retiring associate editors: Dimitris Papanikolaou Kenneth Ahern Zhi Da Vyacheslav Fos Kai Li Nadya Malenko Veronika Pool Alexi Savov Michela Verardo and welcome our incoming associate editors: Jaroslav Borovicka (New York University) Laurent Fresard (University of Lugano) Cary Frydman (University of Southern California)… Read More »Editorial Team Changes

Special Issue: Big Data in Finance

Now available: Special Issue: Big Data in Finance “Introduction: Big Data in Finance” by Itay Goldstein, Chester S. Spatt, and Mao Ye Editor’s Choice: “Selecting Directors Using Machine Learning” by Isil Erel, Léa Stern, Chenhao Tan, and Michael S. Weisbach

Publishing in Finance: Fireside Chats with Journal Editors

RFS Executive Editor Itay Goldstein was interviewed for the Publishing in Finance: Fireside Chats with Journal Editors webinar series. The interviewers were Manasa Gopal (Georgia Tech) and Zheng Sun (University of California, Irvine). The video is available to watch online – simply click here and scroll to May 26, 2021, Session 11.

Winners of the RFS Awards

The winners of the annual RFS Awards were announced at the virtual Awards Reception on May 25 as part of the SFS Cavalcade. We are pleased to share the winners: Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Award “Pricing Uncertainty Induced by Climate Change” Michael Barnett, William Brock, and Lars Peter Hansen Prize: $10,000 Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Runner Up (tie) “On the Rise of FinTechs: Credit Scoring Using Digital Footprints” Tobias Berg,… Read More »Winners of the RFS Awards

Editor’s Choice 34(6)

The Editor’s Choice paper for 34(6) is “Risks and Returns of Cryptocurrency” by Yukun Liu and Aleh Tsyvinski. You can read the paper free online.

Fireside Chat with Itay Goldstein

On May 26 at 12pm, RFS Executive Editor Itay Goldstein will be participating in a fireside chat with AFFECT on publishing in finance. Register here.

Editor’s Choice 34(5)

The Editor’s Choice paper for 34(5) is “The Rise of Shadow Banking: Evidence from Capital Regulation” by Rustom M. Irani, Rajkamal Iyer, Ralf R. Meisenzahl, and José-Luis Peydró. You can read the paper free online.

Editor’s Choice 34(4)

The Editor’s Choice paper for 34(4) is “How Do Consumers Fare When Dealing with Debt Collectors? Evidence from Out-of-Court Settlements” by Ing-Haw Cheng, Felipe Severino, and Richard R. Townsend. You can read the paper free online.