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Amit Seru in Chicago Tribune and Washington Post

RCFS Editor Amit Seru’s research is featured  in a Chicago Tribune piece, “Study finds reason to be wary of financial advisers” and in a Washington Post piece, “This is how unethical financial advisers can get away with it.”

New RCFS Issue: March 2016

The new issue of RCFS 5(1) March 2016 has published online. If you have a subscription, you can also view the issue online here. If you don’t have a subscription, you can still view the Editor’s Choice article for free online!

Latest Forthcoming Paper

“Public Corruption in the United States: Implications for Local Firms” by Nishant Dass, Vikram Nanda, and Steven Chong Xiao

Latest Forthcoming Paper

“How Does Corporate Investment Respond to Increased Entry Threat” by Laurent Fresard and Philip  Valta

Dual Submission to Cavalcade 2016

We are pleased to announce that the upcoming SFS Finance Cavalcade conference will again offer a dual submission option with RCFS. The Cavalcade submission period opens November 9, 2015, and closes December 7, 2015. For details, visit Cavalcade 2016.

Latest Forthcoming Papers

“Asset Fire Sales by Banks: Evidence from Commercial REO Sales” by Yongqiang Chu and “Caught Between Scylla and Charybdis? Regulating Bank Leverage When There Is Rent-seeking and Risk-shifting” by Viral Acharya, Hamid Mehran, and Anjan Thakor

New RCFS Issue: September 2015

The new issue of RCFS 4(2) September 2015 has published online. If you have a subscription, you can view the issue online here. If you don’t have a subscription, you can still view the Editor’s Choice article for free online!