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Forthcoming Paper

“The Geography of Sub-advisors, Managerial Structure, and the Performance of International Equity Mutual Funds” by Markus Sebastian Broman, Michael Densmore, and Pauline M. Shum Nolan

Forthcoming Paper

“Small Rebalanced Portfolios Often Beat the Market Over Long Horizons” by Adam Farago and Erik Hjalmarsson

Forthcoming Paper

“In Search of Habitat” by Xuanjuan Chen, Zhenzhen Sun, Tong Yao, and Tong Yu

Editorial Team Update

We are grateful to Marcin Kacperczyk, who is retiring as an Editor of RAPS. We wish Marcin all the best in his new role as Managing Editor of the Review of Finance beginning in January 2023.

Forthcoming Paper

“Cheaper Is Not Better: On the ‘Superior’ Performance of High-Fee Mutual Funds” by Jinfei Sheng, Mikhail Simutin, and Terry Zhang

New Issue: September 12(3)

The September issue of RAPS has published! The Editor’s Choice paper is: “Inventory-Constrained Underwriters and Corporate Bond Offerings” by Florian Nagler and Giorgio Ottonello

Editorial Team Changes

RAPS is pleased to announce our incoming Associate Editors: Ravi Bansal (Duke University) Nicolae Garleanu (Washington University in St. Louis) Arvind Krishnamurthy (Stanford University) Norman Schürhoff (Swiss Finance Institute) Annette Vissing-Jorgensen (Federal Reserve Board) Dacheng Xiu (University of Chicago) Terms begin August 1.

Forthcoming Paper

“Safe Asset Carry Trade” by Benedikt Fabian Ballensiefen and Angelo Ranaldo

Editorial Team Changes

We are grateful to our retiring associate editors: Roger Edelen Sydney Ludvigson Jun Pan Andrew Patton Changes are effective July 1.