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New RAPS Issue: December 2019

The new issue of RAPS, 9(2) December 2019, has published. The Editor’s Choice paper is “Interest Rates and Inflation Revisited” by Eugene F. Fama. Editor’s Choice papers are free to read online.

Conference on Financial Decisions and Asset Markets

The Rodney L. White Center for Financial Research’s Conference on Financial Decisions and Asset Markets will feature a dual submission option with RAPS. The RAPS sponsoring editor is Nikolai Roussanov. The deadline for paper submissions is December 9, 2019. The conference will take place March 27, 2020, at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. For more details, see the Call for Papers.

Dual Submission Decisions for Cavalcade Asia-Pacific

The dual submission decisions for the Cavalcade Asia-Pacific 2019 conference have been sent. If you submitted your paper as a dual submission to RAPS and did not receive your decision email, please contact us.  

Forthcoming Paper

“Historical Returns of the Market Portfolio” by Ronald Doeswijk, Trevin Lam, and Laurens Swinkels

Virtual Issue: Economic History

Oxford University Press’s new virtual issue on economic history features RAPS paper “Hard Times” by John Y. Campbell, Stefano Giglio, and Christopher Polk. The virtual issue is free to read until the end of December.

Forthcoming Paper

“Publication Bias and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns” by Andrew Y. Chen

Jeffrey Pontiff in Bloomberg

Executive Editor Jeffrey Pontiff is quoted in Bloomberg in a piece titled “What U.S. Could Learn From India’s New Tax on Share Buybacks.”