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New RFS Issue: 36(11)

The November issue of RFS has published! The Editor’s Choice paper is: “Financial Disruptions and the Organization of Innovation: Evidence from the Great Depression” by Tania Babina, Asaf Bernstein, and Filippo Mezzanotti

RCFS Special Issue: Finance for the Greater Good

The November issue of RCFS 12(4) is a Special Issue! Special Issue: Finance for the Greater Good Andrew Ellul, Isil Erel, Camelia Kuhnen, and Robert Marquez, editors The Editor’s Choice: “Energy Transitions and Household Finance: Evidence from U.S. Coal Mining” by Ding Du and Stephen A. Karolyi

RFS Forthcoming Paper

  • RFS News

“Place your bets? The market consequences of investment research on Reddit’s Wallstreetbets” by Daniel Bradley, Jan Hanousek Jr, Russell Jame, and Zicheng Xiao

RAPS Dual Submission Decisions

The RAPS dual submission decisions for the CUHK-RAPS Conference on Asset Pricing and Investment have been sent. If you submitted your paper as a dual submission to RAPS and did not receive your decision email, please contact us.

RCFS Forthcoming Papers

“Banks’ Market Power, Access to Finance, and Leverage” by M. Cecilia Bustamante and Francesco D’Acunto “The Effects of House Prices and Home Equity Extraction on Career Outcomes” by Jacelly Cespedes, Zack Liu, and Carlos Rafael Parra

RCFS Special Issue

The upcoming issue of the Review of Corporate Finance Studies will be a Special Issue on “Finance for the Greater Good,” edited by Andrew Ellul, Isil Erel, Camelia Kuhnen, and Robert Marquez. The papers in this issue are part of the RCFS Winter Conference Registered Reports initiative. You can learn more about the initiative in the issue’s editorial, which is free access online. The issue will publish online on October… Read More »RCFS Special Issue

Associate Chair for SFS Cavalcade North America 2024

We’re happy to announce that the Associate Chair for SFS Cavalcade North America 2024 will be Joshua D. Rauh (Stanford Graduate School of Business). Professor Rauh joins Chair Jules van Binsbergen (The Wharton School) and Vice Chair Laura Veldkamp (Columbia Business School).

Paper Spotlight: Do Managers Do Good with Other People’s Money?

  • RCFS News

What drives the marginal dollar of “goodness” investment by managers: maximization of shareholder value or managerial agency conflicts? The CEOs backing the Business Roundtable’s “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation that Serves All Americans” argue that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) should maximize shareholder value rather than be the outcome of agency conflicts. While it may be true that CSR, on average, will allow firms to do better by doing… Read More »Paper Spotlight: Do Managers Do Good with Other People’s Money?

New RFS Issue: 36(10)

The October issue of RFS has published! The Editor’s Choice paper is: “Financing Competitors: Shadow Banks’ Funding and Mortgage Market Competition” by Erica Xuewei Jiang

RCFS Forthcoming Paper

  • RCFS News

“Activity shocks and corporate liquidity: the role of trade credit” by Benjamin Bureau, Anne Duquerroy, and Frédéric Vinas