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Winners of the RFS Awards

The winners of the annual RFS Awards were announced at the virtual Awards Reception on May 26 as part of the Cavalcade. We are pleased to share the winners:

Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Award
“Credit Supply and the Rise in College Tuition: Evidence from the Expansion in Federal Student Aid Programs”
David O. Lucca, Taylor Nadauld, and Karen Shen
Prize: $10,000

Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Runner Up 
“The Value of Offshore Secrets: Evidence from the Panama Papers”
James O’Donovan, Hannes F. Wagner, and Stefan Zeume
Prize: $5000

Referee of the Year sponsored by Cornerstone Research
Sabrina Howell
Prize: $1000

Distinguished Referees sponsored by Cornerstone Research
Anthony DeFusco
Ian Dew-Becker
Song Ma
Zacharias Sautner

Rising Scholar Award
“Teachers Teaching Teachers: The Role of Workplace Peer Effects on Financial Decisions”
Gonzalo Maturana and Jordan Nickerson
Prize: $5000

For the first time ever, RFS awarded the Hillcrest Best Paper Award in Behavioral Finance.

Hillcrest Best Paper Award in Behavioral Finance sponsored by Hillcrest Asset Management
“Birds of a feather: the impact of homophily on the propensity to follow financial advice”
Oscar Stolper and Andreas Walter
Prize: $5000

Congratulations to all our award winners!