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RFS Rising Scholar Award

(formerly known as the Young/Rising Researcher Prize)

2024, $5000
Regulatory Limits to Risk Management” Ishita Sen

2023, $5000
“Biased by Choice: How Financial Constraints Can Reduce Financial Mistakes” Rawley Z. Heimer and Alex Imas

2022, $5000
“Incentivizing Financial Regulators”
Joseph Kalmenovitz

2021, $5000
“Monetary Transmission through Shadow Banks”
Kairong Xiao

2020, $5000
“Teachers Teaching Teachers: The Role of Workplace Peer Effects on Financial Decisions”
Gonzalo Maturana and Jordan Nickerson

2019, $5000
“Does Algorithmic Trading Reduce Information Acquisition?”
Brian M. Weller

2018, $5000
“Credit-Induced Boom and Bust”
Marco Di Maggio and Amir Kermani

2017, $5000
“Do Firms Engage in Risk Shifting?”
Erik Gilje

2016, $5000
“Valuing Changes in Political Networks: Evidence from Campaign Contributions to Close Congressional Elections”
Pat Akey

2015, $5000, sponsored by Research Affiliates
“Capital Account Opening and Wage Inequality”
Mauricio Larrain

2014, $5000, sponsored by Research Affiliates
“The Growth and Limits of Arbitrage: Evidence from Short Interest”
Samuel G. Hanson and Adi Sunderam

“Finding a Good Price in Opaque Over-the-Counter Markets”
Haoxiang Zhu

“The Real Consequences of Market Segmentation”
Sergey Chernenko and Adi Sunderam

“Corporate Governance Objectives of Labor Union Shareholders: Evidence from Proxy Voting”
Ashwini K. Agrawal

“Learning from Prices and the Dispersion in Beliefs”
Snehal Banerjee

“Performance-Sensitive Debt”
Gustavo Manso, Bruno Strulovici, and Alexei Tchistyi

2008, sponsored by JPMorgan
“The Choice of Corporate Liquidity and Corporate Governance”
Hayong Yun

2007, sponsored by JPMorgan
“Bank Lines of Credit in Corporate Finance: An Empirical Analysis”
Amir Sufi