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RCFS Forthcoming Paper

“Do Institutional Investors Process and Act Upon Information? Evidence from M&A Targets” by Kirak Kim, Ellie Luu, and Fangming Xu

New RFS Issue 37(2)

  • RFS News

The February issue of RFS has published! The Editor’s Choice paper is: “Exchange Rate Dynamics and Monetary Spillovers with Imperfect Financial Markets” by Özge Akinci and Albert Queralto

New RCFS Issue 13(1)

The February issue of RCFS has published! The Editor’s Choice paper is: “Do Nonfinancial Firms Use Financial Assets to Take Risk?” by Zhiyao Chen and Ran Duchin

RCFS Dual Submission Decisions

The RCFS dual submission decisions for the Jackson Hole 2024 Conference have been sent. If you submitted your paper as a dual submission to RCFS and did not receive your decision email, please contact us.

RCFS Forthcoming Paper

“Non-dilutive CoCo Bonds: A Necessary Evil?” by Andrea Gamba, Yanxiong Gong, and Kebin Ma

RFS Forthcoming Paper

  • RFS News

“A Comprehensive 2022 Look at the Empirical Performance of Equity Premium Prediction” by Amit Goyal, Ivo Welch, and Athanasse Zafirov

RFS Forthcoming Papers

  • RFS News

“Who Can Tell Which Banks Will Fail?” by Kristian Sven Blickle, Markus K. Brunnermeier, and Stephan Luck “The Effects of Macroeconomic Shocks: Household Financial Distress Matters” by Jose Mustre-del-Rio, Juan M. Sanchez, Ryan Mather, and Kartik B. Athreya

RAPS Forthcoming Paper

“Predicting the Equity Premium with Combination Forecasts: A Reappraisal” by Sebastian Denk and Gunter Löffler

SFS Cavalcade 2026 Host

We are pleased to announce that the host for SFS Cavalcade North America 2026 will be the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia. Darden hosted the second Cavalcade back in 2012, and we look forward to returning! For more on upcoming Cavalcades, visit SFS Cavalcade North America.

RAPS Forthcoming Paper

“Contingent Claims and Hedging of Credit Risk with Equity Options” by Davide Avino and Enrique Salvador