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Winners of the RFS Awards

The winners of the RFS Awards were announced at the Awards Reception on Tuesday, May 19, at the SFS Finance Cavalcade Conference. We are pleased to now share the winners:

Distinguished Referee Award 
Zhi Da, Doron Levit, Andrey Malenko, Gregory Nini, Adi Sunderam, Sheri Tice, and Liyan Yang

Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Award
“High-Frequency Trading and Price Discovery” by Jonathan Brogaard, Terrence Hendershott, and Ryan Riordan
Prize: $20,000

Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Runner Up
“Financial Market Dislocations” by Paolo Pasquariello
Prize: $5000

Referee of the Year 
Paolo Pasquariello
Prize: $1000

Rising Scholar Award 
“Capital Account Opening and Wage Inequality” by Mauricio Larrain
Prize: $5000

Congratulations to all our award winners!

For past award history, please visit our Awards page.