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Winners of the RCFS Awards

The winners of the annual RCFS Awards were announced at the virtual Awards Reception on May 26 as part of the Cavalcade. We are pleased to share the winners:

Best Paper Award
“Deposit Insurance, Bank Risk-Taking, and Failures: Evidence from Early Twentieth-Century State Deposit Insurance Systems”
Felipe Aldunate
Prize: $10,000

Referee of the Year
Chotibhak Jotikasthira
Prize: $1000

For the first time ever, RCFS awarded the Rising Scholar Award, which is presented to a paper on which no author received either their current academic appointment or most recent PhD more than 6 years prior to when the paper was submitted to RCFS.

Rising Scholar Award
“Contingent Capital Trigger Effects: Evidence from Liability Management Exercises”
Boris Vallee
Prize: $5000

Congratulations to all our award winners!