November 30, 2012: 15th Annual Texas Finance Festival
Submission deadline for the Texas Finance Festival is February 1, 2013. See the Call for Papers 2013 15th Annual Texas Finance Festival.
November 9, 2012: How to Submit to the 2013 Cavalcade
Submissions to the 2013 Cavalcade will be accepted beginning tomorrow, November 10th, through December 15, 2012. To submit, please visit the Cavalcade webpage.
September 20, 2012: Sixth Biennial McGill Global Asset Management Conference
Submission deadline for the McGill Global Asset Management Conference is December 1, 2012. See the McGill-GAMC Call For Papers.
July 3, 2012: 3rd Miami Behavioral Finance Conference
Submission deadline for the Miami Behavioral Finance Conference is August 31, 2012. See the 2012 Miami Behavioral Finance Conference Call For Papers.
July 1, 2012: Awards and Editor Changes
The RFS thanks our retiring Associate Editors Lauren Cohen, Martijn Cremers, Jay Hartzell, Michael Roberts, Amir Sufi, Lu Zhang, and Lu Zheng. We welcome our incoming Associate Editors Peter Christoffersen, Mariassunta Giannetti, Eitan Goldman, Robin Greenwood, John Griffin, Wei Jiang, Simi Kedia, and Berk Sensoy.
Congratulations to this year’s RFS award winners:
- Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Prize
- First Prize: “Margin-based Asset Pricing and Deviations from the Law of One Price” by Nicolae Gârleanu and Lasse Heje Pedersen
- Second Prize: “Large Shareholder Diversification and Corporate Risk-Taking” by Mara Faccio, Maria-Teresa Marchica, and Roberto Mura
- Young Researcher Prize: “The Real Consequences of Market Segmentation” by Sergey Chernenko and Adi Sunderam
- The Referee of the Year Award goes to Robin Greenwood for his tireless work on behalf of the RFS.
- The Distinguished Referee Awards have been awarded to: Sreedhar Bharath, Peter Christoffersen, Rudiger Fahlenbrach, John Griffin, Berk Sensoy, Isil Erel, Simi Kedia, Ralph Koijen, and Pedro Matos.
April 30, 2012: Editors’ Joint Policy Statement Regarding “Coercive Citations”
Please see the Editors’ Joint Policy statement, which has been posted at: Editors’ Joint Policy.
April 9, 2012: SFS Finance Cavalcade in 2013 & 2014
The Society for Financial Studies is pleased to announce that the 2013 SFS Finance Cavalcade will be held at The University of Miami. The society will begin accepting bids on July 1, 2012 for the 2014 SFS Finance Cavalcade.
March 7, 2012: Register for The Cavalcade!
The registration website for the 2012 Finance Cavalcade is now available here. Reserve your stay as early as possible to ensure a room at the conference hotel. Rooms are refundable if canceled at least 48 hours before the arrival date; call the Inn at Darden directly for cancellations. Complete your conference registration before May 9th to avoid the late transaction fee. Registration is non-refundable.
Thursday evening’s reception at Monticello is available only to the first 60 people who sign up. The cut-off date for sign up will be May 9th for this reception. Those who have signed up within the first 60 people will receive an email on May 10th confirming their reservations for the event.
February 24, 2012: Cavalcade Program Now Available
The 2012 SFS Finance Cavalcade program is now available on the Cavalcade webpage.
February 22, 2012: Payment Policy
Editorial Express will soon provide a new feature that will allow authors to use any balances they have accumulated through reviewing or submission fee refunds to pay for new submission fees. We look forward to being able to offer this functionality to our authors and reviewers. In support of this, and to reduce the transactions costs to reviewers, authors, and RFS staff of check-cutting, signing, mailing, and depositing, as of 3/1/2012 we are instituting a system where we will automatically issue checks for referee reports and submission fee refunds only when the individual’s balance crosses $700. If a payment is due to you and you would like to receive a check before your balance reaches $700, just email Jaclyn Einstein to have your check processed.
January 17, 2012: Treasurer’s Position Available
The SFS is seeking someone to fill the Treasurer’s position as of July 1, 2012. The position’s responsibilities include:
1. Maintain the central SFS investment account.
2. Maintain the central SFS checking account.
3. File annual tax returns and other corporate documents demanded by government authorities.
4. Pay SFS vendors.
5. Hire an accounting firm to prepare taxes, government forms and produce annual financial statements.
6. Oversee the creation and changes to checking accounts associated with SFS journals and back office.
7. Oversee SFS journal and back office checking accounts to insure they do not accumulate excess cash.
8. Produce annual reports for the SFS board and membership meetings.
9. Choose and work with outside counsel any time by-laws or publishing contracts are revised.
If you are interested please contact either Ken Singleton or Matthew Spiegel.
January 12, 2012: Texas Finance Festival
2012 14th Annual Texas Finance Festival: 14th Annual Texas Finance Festival, April 26-28, 2012