You may submit a new submission or resubmission here.
Your submission must be formatted according to the guidelines. Your submission will be returned to you if the abstract is longer than 100 words and/or if the manuscript is not double-spaced according to the guidelines.
We recommend that you read our review and refund policies before submitting.
Once your paper has been successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive an e-mail, your submission did not enter the system properly. First, use the URL you received from Editorial Express to return to the submission and click the final “submit” button. If that does not solve the problem, please contact the editorial office.
Submission Fees
High-Income Economies
SFS Member: $240
Nonmember: $300
[Paying the nonmember fee gives the submitting author a one-year SFS membership.]
Middle-Income Economies
To qualify, ALL COAUTHORS MUST RESIDE in middle-income or low-income economies per our list.
SFS Member: $100
Nonmember: $160
[Paying the nonmember fee gives the submitting author a one-year SFS membership.]
Low-Income Economies
To qualify, ALL COAUTHORS MUST RESIDE in low-income economies per our list.
The submission fee waived.
Fast Track: $1000
Conditionally Accepted: The fee is waived.
Invited Dual Submission: The first round fee is waived; subsequent rounds require the submission fee.
Registered Report: The fee is waived.
Payment Not Required: There are rare cases in which a waiver has been granted. You must upload a cover letter indicating which editor approved the waiver. DO NOT select the waiver unless you have been authorized, in writing, to do so. If you have a question, contact the editorial office BEFORE submitting. Failure to follow this policy may result in your submission being removed.
Resubmissions, including conditionally accepted resubmissions, should be submitted here. Please do not email your resubmission to your editor. Resubmissions require the submission fee. The fee for a conditionally accepted paper is waived.
Please include separate letters to the editor and to each referee, unless otherwise instructed by the editor. The letters to the referees must be anonymous.
If your original editor’s name is no longer on the list, select the executive editor’s name, and we will reassign to your original editor if possible. Most editors continue to handle resubmissions for one year after the completion of their term.
After a revise and resubmit decision, authors will have 18 months from the initial decision to resubmit the paper. Any revisions submitted after 18 months will normally be considered as a new submission and need not receive the same editor or referee; if necessary, the editor may grant an extension at their discretion. This change is effective from November 1, 2024.
Rising Scholar Award
Please read the rules to determine if you are eligible for consideration.
New Submissions That Incorporate Material From a Previously Rejected Article
Do not submit a paper as new that nontrivially incorporates material from a paper of yours that was rejected by RCFS, accepted by RCFS, or is at any stage of review at RCFS, without first obtaining permission to do so from one of the journal’s editors. We systematically check new submissions against older ones to enforce this policy. Failure to obtain permission prior to doing so may result in sanctions for you and your co-authors. If in doubt, ask!
SFS Journals Policy
RFS, RAPS, and RCFS are independent journals. Submissions to any one journal are considered without regard to previous decisions at other SFS journals, and information about past decisions on papers is not shared across the journals without author permission.
Fast Track
The Fast Track submission option guarantees a two-week turnaround or your money back. The fee is $1000. If you choose Fast Track, email the Managing Editor so we can get the editorial process moving right away!
Prior Review Submission
Beginning June 1, 2020, RCFS is offering a prior review process. Before submitting, please read the Prior Review Policy. In Editorial Express, select “prior review submission” as your category of submission in Step 2. Upload editor letters and referee reports in Step 5 alongside a clear description of each item.
Disclosure Policy
Please see our disclosure policy. The submission system will ask you to confirm that you read and understand the policy before you can finalize your submission. You will be able to upload your disclosures in Step 4.
Code Sharing Policy
The code sharing policy will go into effect on October 1, 2020.
Read and Publish Agreements
Our publisher, Oxford University Press, has a growing number of Read and Publish agreements with institutions and consortia, which provide funding for open access publishing. This means that corresponding authors from participating institutions can publish their papers under an open access license, and the institution may pay the charge. Please note, however, that it is not possible to change the corresponding author in order to benefit from Read and Publish funding. Find out if your institution is participating in one of OUP’s Read and Publish agreements.
IMPORTANT: Manuscripts are evaluated by the Review of Corporate Finance Studies on the understanding that they have been submitted solely to it and that they have not been previously published either in whole or in part. This includes prior publication, in whole or in part, in practitioner-oriented outlets. If you need clarification of this policy, please contact the executive editor.