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News Archive

For news from November 2014 to the present, use the arrows on the bottom of our homepage or use the Search feature on the right.

October 13, 2014: RCFS Executive Editor and the 9th Jackson Hole Finance Conference

RCFS Executive Editor Paolo Fulghieri is one of the conference organizers of the 9th Jackson Hole Finance Conference, in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, from January 17-19, 2015. For details, please visit 9th Jackson Hole Finance Conference.

October 10, 2014: Would You Like to Read Papers in our Journals for Free?

All three of our journals now feature one Editor’s Choice paper in each issue. The Editor’s Choice paper is free to read online. To view the Editor’s Choice paper for each journal, please visit RAPS OUP, RCFS OUP, and RFS OUP.

October 9, 2014: RCFS Executive Editor and 5th Entrepreneurial Finance and Innovation Conference

RCFS Executive Editor Paolo Fulghieri is one of the conference organizers of the 5th Entrepreneurial Finance and Innovation Conference at the Brandeis International Business School from November 14-16, 2014. For details, please visit 5th Entrepreneurial Finance and Innovation Conference.

September 24, 2014: Accommodations for Cavalcade 2015

Want to get a jump-start on Cavalcade 2015? You can book your room in advance at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center or Renaissance Atlanta Midtown Hotel. Details are available at Cavalcade 2015.

September 15, 2014: Do You Want to Receive the SFS Newsletter?

Are you interested in receiving the Society for Financial Studies newsletter, with news about The Review of Financial Studies, The Review of Asset Pricing Studies,  The Review of Corporate Finance Studies, and the SFS Finance Cavalcade conference? If so, find out how to become a member of the SFS at Membership.

September 8, 2014: Keep in Touch with SFS on Twitter

Our publisher tweets news from the SFS and our journals. To see more, follow @OxfordJournals and @OUPEconomics on Twitter.

September 2, 2014: RFS and RCFS papers featured in Virtual Issue: The Eurozone Crisis

Have you seen the Oxford University Press virtual issue on the Eurozone Crisis, featuring papers from RFS andRCFS? The issue is free to read online at The Eurozone Crisis, and includes the following papers:


“Complexity and Loan Performance: Evidence from the Securitization of Commercial Mortgages”
by Craig H. Furfine


“Fiscal Policy and Asset Prices with Incomplete Markets”
by Francisco Gomes, Alexander Michaelides, and Valery Polkovnichenko

“Frictions in Shadow Banking: Evidence from the Lending Behavior of Money Market Mutual Funds”
by Sergey Chernenko and Adi Sunderam

“Effects of Central Bank Intervention on the Interbank Market During the Subprime Crisis”
by Celso Brunetti, Mario di Filippo, and Jeffrey H. Harris

September 1, 2014: One Month Left to Bid for 2016 Cavalcade

The bid deadline for the 2016 Cavalcade is only one month away. For details on how to bid, please visit 2016 Cavalcade. Bids should be received by October 1, 2014.

August 28, 2014: RCFS Editor Named An Influential Young Economist

RCFS Editor Amit Seru is featured in the International Monetary Fund’s list of influential young economists, which published in the September 2014 (51/3) issue of Finance & Development. Read the article here. Congratulations Amit!

August 28, 2014: RFS Begins Executive Editor Blog

RFS Executive Editor Andrew Karolyi has begun a new series of editorials about forthcoming or recent RFS papers. His first editorial, “Finance’s Other Bosses?”, examines “The Labor Market for Bankers and Regulators” by Vincent Glode and Philip Bond. To view the post, visit the RFS Executive Editor Blog here.

August 5, 2014: Citation Impact Factors for RAPS and RCFS

Our publisher, Oxford University Press, has computed the 2013 Citation Impact Factors for RAPS and RCFS. Had the new journals been indexed by ISI in 2013, RAPS would have an Impact Factor of 2.417 and RCFS would have an Impact Factor of 1.000.

July 9, 2014: Now Accepting Bids for the 2016 Cavalcade

Bids are currently being accepted for the 2016 Cavalcade. The bid deadline is October 1, 2014. For more, visit 2016 Cavalcade.

July 8, 2014: RFS Top-Ranked Journals by Google Scholar

Google released its 2014 Scholar Metrics, which provide citation information based on the h5-index. RFS received the top ranking with an h5-index of 116, which means that out of all articles published from 2009-2013, there were 116 RFS articles that obtained at least 116 Google Scholar citations. You can view the complete list at Google Scholar Finance.

July 3, 2014: Photos from the 2014 Cavalcade

We’ve posted photos from the 2014 Cavalcade, including the awards, receptions, and keynote speeches. Click here to see the images.

June 30, 2014: Thank You to David Hirshleifer

The SFS wishes to thank David Hirshleifer for his service as RFS Executive Editor. David has been the Executive Editor since 2011, and the RFS has benefited from his leadership during his 3-year term.

June 3, 2014: Converting the Archive to HTML with MathJax

The SFS Council voted to pay Oxford University Press to convert the entire archive of RFS, RAPS, and RCFSarticles into state-of-the-art full text HTML files including equations rendered using the Java-based “MathJax” web standard. The new file format will allow equations (and the rest of the article) to scale from 4-inch screens to 30-inch screens, which will facilitate their use on smartphones, tablets, etc.

May 30, 2014: Cavalcade Award Winners

The following awards were announced at the 2014 Cavalcade:

The Arthur Warga Best Paper Award in Fixed Income
“Monetary Policy Drivers of Bond and Equity Risks” by John Y.  Campbell, Carolin Pflueger, and Luis M. Viceira
Prize: $1200

We were honored to have the Warga family present the award to the winners.

The SFS Finance Cavalcade Award for the Best Paper in Corporate Finance
“The Asset Redeployability Channel: How Uncertainty Affects Corporate Investment” by Hyunseob Kim and Howard Pan Kung
Prize: $1000

The SFS Finance Cavalcade Award for the Best Paper in Asset Pricing
“How Binding are Limits to Arbitrage?” by Alexander Ljungqvist and Wenlan Qian
Prize: $1000

Congratulations to all the winners! For the journal awards, please visit RFS, RAPS, and RCFS.

May 29, 2014: Upcoming Changes

The SFS announces upcoming Officer and Council changes:

-Matthew Spiegel will be the new President
-Laura Starks will be the new Vice President
-Josef Zechner will join the Council.

We extend our sincere thanks to Richard Green for his service as President.

We’re also pleased to confirm that Craig Holden will continue as SFS Treasurer for a second term, Amy Dittmar and Alex Butler have been reappointed for another term on the Council, and Wayne Ferson has been appointed to another term as RAPS Executive Editor.

All changes are effective as of July 1, 2014.

May 22, 2014: Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2014 SFS Finance Cavalcade! The SFS is grateful to everyone who contributed to the success of the event, and to the faculty and staff of Georgetown University for their fantastic job of hosting the event. We will be posting videos and photos soon.

May 12, 2014: Cavalcade 2014 Begins Sunday, May 18

The 2014 Cavalcade kicks off this Sunday, May 18, at 6pm with a Welcome Reception at the Fisher Colloquium, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University. We look forward to seeing all the attendees there!

May 1, 2014: Mark Your Calendars for Cavalcade 2015

Can’t make it to this year’s Cavalcade? Start planning now for Cavalcade 2015 at the Scheller College of Business at Georgia Tech, May 17-20.

April 28, 2014: 2015 Cavalcade Conference Chairs

The conference chairs for the 2015 Cavalcade will be:

Chair: Wei Jiang (Columbia University)
Vice Chair: Hanno Lustig (University of California, Los Angeles)
Associate Chair: Heitor Almeida (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Updates for the 2015 Cavalcade will be posted at the conference web site as they become available.

April 24, 2014: Less Than One Month Until Cavalcade 2014!

The Cavalcade is just under a month away, but there’s still time to register at the Cavalcade page.

April 21, 2014: River Cruise at the Cavalcade

We’re pleased to announce that the evening event for Tuesday, May 20, at the Cavalcade, will be a boat cruise of the Potomac River, hosted by Georgetown University! The cruise will include dinner. Please see the program for details.

April 8, 2014: Last Days to Book Your Cavalcade Hotel!

There are only a few days left to book your hotel room within the SFS room blocks for the Finance Cavalcade. If you have not booked your room, please make sure you book before the blocks run out. Hotel information is availablehere.

March 27, 2014: Announcing the Cavalcade Keynote Speakers

The Society for Financial Studies is pleased to announce the Keynote Speakers at the 2014 Cavalcade:

Feifei Li, Distinguished Practitioner Keynote Speaker. Dr. Li is Partner and Head of Research at Research Affiliates. Her speech will occur Monday, May 19, at lunch.

Toni Whited, Cavalcade Conference Chair. Dr. Whited is the Michael and Diane Jones Professor of Business Administration at the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business at the University of Rochester. Her speech will occur Tuesday, May 20, at lunch.

For locations, please visit the Cavalcade program.

March 25, 2014: Final Week for Early Registration!

Register for the Cavalcade by April 1 to pay the early registration fee of $100 for SFS members or $140 for nonmembers. Registration fees increase on April 2! Register here.

March 18, 2014: Latest Issue of RCFS Has Published Online

Issue 2(2) of RCFS has now published! Subscribers can view the issue online here.

March 14, 2014: Links to Cavalcade Papers Now Available

The Cavalcade program now contains links to the papers that will be presented in May. To view the program and papers, please visit the Cavalcade site. If you are an author of an accepted paper and would like to update the copy of your paper linked on the program, or would prefer to link to your own online posting of the paper, please contactJaclyn Einstein.

March 11, 2014: Email Communication

We updated our email server last week. While efforts were made to capture every email sent during the transition, we know complications are possible. If you sent any emails to Jaclyn Einstein last week that have not received responses, please re-send.

March 7, 2014: 2014 Cavalcade Program Available Online

The program for the 2014 Cavalcade is now available on the Cavalcade site. Links to papers coming soon!

March 7, 2014: Annual Meeting

The 2014 Society for Financial Studies Annual Meeting will take place at the 2014 Finance Cavalcade at 3:45pm on May 19, 2014, in room 340 Hariri, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University.

March 6, 2014: Executive Editor Change for RFS

The Executive Editor of the RFS, Prof. David Hirshleifer, is completing his term on June 30. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

We are delighted to announce that Prof. Andrew Karolyi will be the new Executive Editor of the RFS beginning July 1. Prof. Karolyi joined the RFS editorial team in August 2010, and is the Alumni Professor in Asset Management and Professor of Finance at Cornell University, as well as the Faculty Director of the Emerging Markets Institute at Cornell. Please join us in welcoming Prof. Karolyi to his new role.

February 6, 2014: RFS Post-Doctoral Position

The RFS post-doctoral position is available for the next academic year. The position will begin July 1. Job responsibilities include recommending referees and ensuring all formatting guidelines are met prior to processing submissions. If you are interested in the position or know somebody who is, please have them contact Jaclyn Einstein for additional details. Deadline to apply is May 31, 2014, but the position will only remain open until a candidate is identified.

February 6, 2014: Register for the 2014 Cavalcade

Registration is now available on the Cavalcade site. Register by April 1 to pay the early registration fee of $100 for SFS members or $140 for nonmembers. Registration fees increase on April 2!

February 1, 2014: Book Your Cavalcade Accommodations

There are room blocks at three hotels reserved for the 2014 Cavalcade in May. Details are available on theCavalcade site. Please book your room ASAP so you don’t miss the room blocks.

January 30, 2014: Cavalcade Decisions Have Been Sent

The decision letters for the 2014 Cavalcade have been sent. The Cavalcade received 653 submissions, which was a 42% increase over the number of submissions last year. The acceptance rate was 11.5%.

January 27, 2014: Location for the 2015 Cavalcade

The SFS is pleased to announce that the 2015 SFS Finance Cavalcade will be held at the Scheller College of Business at Georgia Tech.

January 23, 2014: Color Figure Charge

Effective January 1, 2014, the charge per figure for including a color figure in any of our journals has been dropped in half to $300!

January 15, 2014: The Arthur Warga Award for Best Paper in Fixed Income

The Arthur Warga Award for Best Paper in Fixed Income will be presented for the second time at the 2015 Cavalcade. The prize, which in 2014 was $1200, is funded by an endowment. We welcome additional donations to the endowment. Please contact SFS Treasurer Craig Holden if you wish to contribute.

December 18, 2013: Cavalcade Decisions

Are you wondering about the decision on your submission to the 2014 Cavalcade? Decisions are expected to be sent by the end of January. Watch your email in the new year!

December 16, 2013: Cavalcade Submission Now Closed

The submission period for the 2014 Finance Cavalcade is now closed. Information for the conference is available at Cavalcade 2014.

December 8, 2013: Cavalcade Submission Deadline Approaching

There is one week left to submit your papers to the 2014 SFS Finance Cavalcade. The submission deadline is December 15, 2013. Click here to submit.

November 15, 2013: Conference Fee Waiver for Doctoral Students

Are you a doctoral student who is considering submitting a paper to the Cavalcade? If you and your co-authors are all doctoral students, your submission fee is waived! In addition, your registration fee will be waived! For more, please visit Cavalcade 2014.

November 11, 2013: Cavalcade Submission Now Open!

Submissions are now being accepted for the 2014 SFS Finance Cavalcade. Visit the conference web site to submit. The deadline to submit is December 15, 2013.

November 7, 2013: Cavalcade Dual Submission with RAPS and RCFS

The 2014 SFS Finance Cavalcade will feature a dual submission option with The Review of Asset Pricing Studies and The Review of Corporate Finance Studies. Full details are available on the conference web site.

November 5, 2013: Submissions to the 2014 SFS Finance Cavalcade

We will begin accepting submissions to the 2014 SFS Finance Cavalcade on November 10, 2013. The submission deadline will be December 15, 2013.

October 28, 2013: New Award at the 2014 SFS Finance Cavalcade

The 2014 SFS Finance Cavalcade will feature a new award, The Arthur Warga Award, for the best paper in fixed income. This prize will be equal to 4% of the endowment. At current market prices, the award would be $828.

The 2014 SFS Finance Cavalcade will begin accepting submissions on November 10, 2013.

October 23, 2013: Congratulations to the Nobel Prize Winners for Economics

SFS congratulates Nobel prize winners Eugene F. Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, and Robert J. Shiller. To celebrate, our publisher has created a special web site, Nobel Prize for Economics, on which you can read–for free!–papers written by the winners that published in RAPS and RFS.

October 16, 2013: Launch of New Web Sites

Our new sites have launched. Please note that some information on the journal sites (such as turnaround time and acceptance rate) may be displaying incorrectly while we reconnect our sites.

October 8, 2013: SFS Web Sites

The SFS web sites were recently hacked. This issue has been addressed. The RAPS website is being repaired and will return live as soon as possible.

We will soon be launching our new web sites. Please bear with us while we fix any technical issues that may arise.

September 27, 2013: Bid Deadline Approaching

Don’t forget to submit your bid for hosting the 2015 Cavalcade by Monday, October 14, 2013! For more information, please visit Cavalcade 2015.

September 1, 2013: Bids for 2015 Cavalcade

The SFS is currently accepting bids for the 2015 Cavalcade. For more infomation, please visit 2015 Cavalcade.

July 23, 2013: Award Winners and Editors at the 2013 Cavalcade

RAPS Best Paper Award: “The World Price of Credit Risk” by Doron Avramov, Tarun Chordia, Gergana Jostova and Alexander Philipov

RAPS Referee of the Year Award: Ivan Shaliastovich 

RCFS Best Paper Award: “Negotiating with Labor under Financial Distress” by Efraim Benmelech, Nittai K. Bergman, and Ricardo J. Enriquez

RCFS Referee of the Year: Philip Bond

RFS Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Award Winners (tie):

“Journalists and the Stock Market” by Casey Dougal, Joseph Engelberg, Diego García, and Christopher A. Parsons

“Investment and Capital Constraints: Repatriations Under the American Jobs Creation Act” by Michael Faulkender and Mitchell Petersen

RFS Referee of the Year: Marcin Kacperczyk

RFS Distinguished Referee AwardSandy Klasa, Oguzhan Ozbas, Woojin Kim, Mark Huson, Stuart Gillan, Hui Chen, Martin Oehmke, Taylor Nadauld

RFS Young Researcher Prize: “Finding a Good Price in Opaque Over-the-Counter Markets” by Haoxiang Zhu

Congratulations to all the winners!

Reappointed Editors
Maureen O’Hara, RAPS
Andrew Karolyi, RFS

Reappointed Associate Editors
Brad Barber, RAPS
Kenneth Singleton, RAPS
Jeffrey Wurgler, RAPS
Francis Longstaff, RAPS

Incoming Editors
Leonid Kogan, RFS
Dave Denis, RFS
Itay Goldstein, RFS

Incoming Associate Editors
Stephan Nagel, RAPS
Lars Lochstoer, RFS
Mark Huson, RFS
Ruediger Fahlenbrach, RFS
Bob Hodrick, RFS
Stuart Gillan, RFS
Jarrad Harford, RFS
Marcin Kacperczyk, RFS

Retiring Editors
Pietro Veronesi, RFS
Michael Weisbach, RFS

Retiring Associate Editors
Dave Denis, RFS
Michelle Lowry, RFS
David Robinson, RFS
Clemens Sialm, RFS
Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, RFS

We thank all of our editors for their service.

May 29, 2013: Cavalcade Award Winner

Congratulations to Quoc-Anh Do, Yen-Teik Lee, and Bang Dang Nguyen for winning the first ever SFS Cavalcade Best Paper in Corporate Finance Award for their paper, “Political Connections and Firm Value: Evidence from the Regression Discontinuity Design of Close Gubernatorial Elections.” The $1000 prize was sponsored by Harley Lippman and was presented to Quoc-Anh Do during the Cavalcade on May 15.

May 1, 2013: Cavalcade Award Announcement

This year the SFS is pleased to announce the addition of the SFS Finance Cavalcade Award for the Best Paper in Corporate Finance, sponsored by Harley Lippman. The winner will be announced at this year’s Cavalcade.

April 15, 2013: SFS Annual Membership Meeting

The annual membership meeting will be held at this year’s Cavalcade. For details, please see the Annual Meeting webpage.

April 9, 2013: Cavalcade Videos

Getting excited for this year’s Cavalcade? Check out the videos from last year!

March 4, 2013: 2013 Cavalcade Program

The Cavalcade program is now available on the Cavalcade page.

February 15, 2013: Register for the 2013 Cavalcade!

The registration webpage for the 2013 Cavalcade is now online. To register, please visit the Cavalade page.

December 3, 2012: Keynote Speaker at the 2013 Cavalcade

The SFS is pleased to announce Maureen O’Hara (Cornell University) as the keynote speaker at this year’s Cavalcade.

November 9, 2012: How to Submit to the 2013 Cavalcade

Submissions to the 2013 Cavalcade will be accepted beginning tomorrow, November 10th, through December 15, 2012. To submit, please visit the Cavalcade webpage.

August 2, 2012: Photos from the 2012 Conferences

Photos from this year’s Cavalcade and WFA conferences are now available.

June 7, 2012: SFS Announces Officer Changes Effective July 1, 2012

The Society for Financial Studies announces the retirement of our Secretary/Treasurer, Mark Weinstein. We are grateful to Mark for 25 years of service in his position.

We are pleased to announce that Craig Holden (Kelley School of Business, Indiana University) has accepted the position of Secretary/Treasurer.

President Kenneth Singleton will step down to accept a position as the Editor of the Journal of Finance . We are grateful to Kenneth for his year as President, as well as his previous time as Vice President.

The society is pleased to announce that Rick Green (Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University) has accepted the position of President and will serve the remaining 2-years of the 3-year term.

April 9, 2012: SFS Finance Cavalcade in 2013 & 2014

The Society for Financial Studies is pleased to announce that the 2013 SFS Finance Cavalcade will be held at The University of Miami. The society will begin accepting bids on July 1, 2012 for the 2014 SFS Finance Cavalcade.

March 15, 2012: Annual Meeting

The SFS Annual Meeting has been announced for June 20, 2012. For more information, please see Annual Meeting.

March 7, 2012: Register for The Cavalcade!

The registration website for the 2012 Finance Cavalcade is now available here. Reserve your stay as early as possible to ensure a room at the conference hotel. Rooms are refundable if canceled at least 48 hours before the arrival date; call the Inn at Darden directly for cancellations. Complete your conference registration before May 9th to avoid the late transaction fee. Registration is non-refundable.

Thursday evening’s reception at Monticello is available only to the first 60 people who sign up. The cut-off date for sign up will be May 9th for this reception. Those who have signed up within the first 60 people will receive an email on May 10th confirming their reservations for the event.

February 24, 2012: Cavalcade Program Now Available

The 2012 SFS Finance Cavalcade program is now available on the Cavalcade webpage.

January 17, 2012: Treasurer’s Position Available

The SFS is seeking someone to fill the Treasurer’s position as of July 1, 2012.  The position’s responsibilities include:

1.  Maintain the central SFS investment account.
2.  Maintain the central SFS checking account.
3.  File annual tax returns and other corporate documents demanded by government authorities.
4.  Pay SFS vendors.
5.  Hire an accounting firm to prepare taxes, government forms and produce annual financial statements.
6.  Oversee the creation and changes to checking accounts associated with SFS journals and back office.
7.  Oversee SFS journal and back office checking accounts to insure they do not accumulate excess cash.
8.  Produce annual reports for the SFS board and membership meetings.
9.  Choose and work with outside counsel any time by-laws or publishing contracts are revised.

If you are interested please contact either Ken Singleton or Matthew Spiegel.

July 18, 2011: Cavalcade Call for Papers

The 2012 SFS Finance Cavalcade Call For Papers
Submission Deadline September 15, 2011
Submissions Accepted Starting August 1.

July 7, 2011: Photos From the WFA

Photos from the WFA are now available: SFS Editors and Officers Dinner and SFS Reception.

June 30, 2011: Photos From the Cavalcade

Photos from the 2011 SFS Finance Cavalcade are now available here.

June 30, 2011: Awards and Editor Changes

As of July 1, David Hirshleifer will replace Matthew Spiegel as the Executive Editor of RFS .

The RFS wants to extend its wholehearted thanks to our retiring Associate Editors Andres Almazan, Heitor Almeida, Allen Berger, Mara Faccio, Charlie Hadlock, and Gideon Saar for their dedicated service over the past three years. At the same time we would like to welcome our new Associate Editors Philip Strahan, Darren Kisgen, Ekkehart Boehmer, Alex Edmans, Craig Doidge, and Bruce Carlin to the board. We look forward to working with them.

Congratulations to this year’s RFS award winners:

  • Michael Brennan Best Paper Prize
    • First Prize: Charles J. Hadlock and Joshua R. Pierce for their article, “New Evidence on Measuring Financial Constraints: Moving Beyond the KZ Index.”
    • Second Prize: Jie Gan for her article, “Housing Wealth and Consumption Growth: Evidence from a Large Panel of Households.”
  • Young Researcher Prize : Ashwini K. Agrawal for his article, “Corporate Governance Objectives of Labor Union Shareholders: Evidence from Proxy Voting.”
  • Outstanding Referee Award goes to Philip Strahan for his tireless work on behalf of the RFS . A single award to honor those who contribute their time far above and beyond the call of duty to the RFS misses the many individuals deserving recognition for their efforts. The RFS is thus also pleased to announce that this year’s Distinguished Referee Awards have been awarded to: Darren Kisgen, Luca Benzoni, Lubos Pastor, Eitan Goldman, Ekkehart Boehmer, Malcolm Baker, Murillo Campello, Peter Christoffersen, and Tarun Chordia.

June 16, 2011: Cavalcade Bids for 2013

A Call for Bids for the 2013 SFS Finance Cavalcade

Bids should be sent by September 1, 2011.

The Society for Financial Studies is seeking bids to cohost the 2013 Finance Cavalcade. This conference is a joint project of The Review of Financial Studies, The Review of Corporate Finance Studies, and The Review of Asset Pricing Studies .

The SFS Finance Cavalcade is a five day conference covering all areas of finance. This year’s format featured an hour per paper and two parallel sessions. Our goal is to provide a setting that produces the kind of in-depth participation of a smaller conference while accommodating the variety of papers of a larger one. We currently expect the 2013 Cavalcade to take place in the late spring or early summer.

At a minimum, bids must include information about

�  Available classroom facilities

�  Available hotel facilities

�  Ability to sponsor some or all meals, including breakfasts, lunches and dinners

�  Ability to sponsor printing and other participant handouts

�  Local logistical support

If you are interested in either submitting a proposal or obtaining additional information contact Wayne Ferson, Paolo Fulghieri, or David Hirshleifer.

May 20, 2011:

The Society for Financial Studies Annual Meeting will take place on June 21 at 5pm at the La Fonda on the Plaza hotel (100 E. San Francisco St.) at the Western Finance Association meetings in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  At the meeting, the membership will vote on two issues.  First, there will be an election of officers for the SFS.  The nominating committee has proposed Kenneth Singleton for President and Matthew Spiegel for Vice President.  Second, there will be an election of editors for the Review of Financial Studies.  David Hirshleifer has been nominated for Executive Editor. This notice is in accordance with our by-laws which require notification to our membership of upcoming votes.

February 8, 2011:

Effective July 1, David Hirshleifer will assume the role of Executive Editor at the Review of Financial Studies . Dr. Hirshleifer is a Professor of Finance and Merage Chair in Business Growth, at the Paul Merage School of Business at UC Irvine, and has a long-standing history with the RFS . We are confident he will do an excellent job and wish him every success!

January 25, 2011:

The 2011 SFS Finance Cavalcade will be held on May 23-27, 2011 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Register by May 9 to receive the early registration fee of $60.

December 12, 2010:

The 2011 SFS Finance Cavalcade is now accepting submissions! This five day event will combine the best of a small conference along with the benefits of a large one. Current plans call for 30 papers with six presentations per day. This will allow enough time for authors to present a paper’s details and for a thorough audience discussion. With five days available papers will also cover a wide variety of topics. In short there should be some set of days with articles close to your own research interests!

September 14, 2010:

The SFS is pleased to announce the hosts for the 2011 and 2012 Finance Cavalcade! The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor has kindly agreed to host the 2011 conference and the University of Virginia the 2012 conference.

Everyone associated with the SFS has been heartened by the number of bids that we received and the enthusiasm the profession has shown for this endeavor. We are sure this will translate in a very successful meeting next year and the years to come. For those interested in hosting future Finance Cavalcades next summer we hope to solicit bids for the 2013 conference.

August 4, 2010:

Next year the SFS will launch its first ever week long Finance Cavalcade. Our goal is to provide a setting that produces the kind of participation you see at smaller conferences but yet accommodates the variety of papers you find at the larger ones. As currently envisioned the conference will run from Monday May 23 to Friday May 27. The early days will be devoted to corporate finance papers and the latter ones to those in asset pricing. This conference is a joint project of the Review of Financial Studies, the Review of Corporate Finance Studies, and the Review of Asset Pricing Studies. We are now soliciting bids from schools that are interested in acting as hosts. At a minimum, bids must include classroom commitments for the entire week as well as projectors and other equipment necessary to facilitate presentations. If you are interested in either submitting a proposal or obtaining additional information contact either Matthew Spiegel, Paolo Fulghieri, or Wayne Ferson.