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RFS Paper Featured on OUP Blog

The OUP blog features a post by Oscar Stolper and Andreas Walter based on their paper, “Birds of a Feather: The Impact of Homophily on the Propensity to Follow Financial Advice,” from the February 2019 issue of RFS. To accompany the post, we’ve made the paper free to read online! Check out the blog post here and read the paper here.

Forthcoming Paper

“Employee Inside Debt and Firm Risk-Taking: Evidence from Employee Deposit Programs in Japan” by Sudipto Dasgupta, Yupeng Lin, Takeshi Yamada, and Zilong Zhang

Special Issue: To FinTech and Beyond

The May issue (32/5) of RFS is a special issue, edited by Professors Itay Goldstein, Wei Jiang, and Andrew Karolyi, on FinTech. This special issue is the result of a 2017 initiative by the RFS editorial team to develop research proposals on FinTech. The editorial is free to read online.

Editor’s Choice 32(5)

The Editor’s Choice article for 32(5) is “The Blockchain Folk Theorem” by Bruno Biais, Christophe Bisière, Matthieu Bouvard, and Catherine Casamatta. You can read the article free online.

Cavalcade Keynote Speaker

The SFS is excited to announce Monika Piazzesi (Stanford University) as the Cavalcade Keynote Speaker. Professor Piazzesi’s keynote will take place Wednesday, May 22. For more details, please see the program on the Cavalcade web site.

Virtual Issue: Debt

In honor of Financial Literacy Month, the SFS presents a Virtual Issue on Debt. This Virtual Issue includes papers from RAPS, RCFS, and RFS, published between 2014-2019, on topics such as the mortgage crisis, student aid, and payday loans, among others. The issue is free to read online now.

Australian National University Conference on Asset Pricing 2020

The Australian National University Conference on Asset Pricing 2020 will feature a dual submission option with RAPS. The RAPS sponsoring editor is Jeffrey Pontiff. The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2019. The conference will take place March 26-28, 2020, at the QT hotel in Canberra, Australia. The Call for Papers may be viewed here.

Last Day for Early Registration!

Today is the last day to register at the discounted rate for SFS Cavalcade North America 2019. Early registration is $100 for members and $140 for nonmembers. Beginning April 8, the registration rate will increase to $125 for members and $165 for nonmembers. The registration fee is waived for doctoral students (from any university) and Carnegie Mellon faculty members.

Forthcoming Papers

“Family firms and labor market regulation” by Morten Bennedsen, Sterling Huang, Hannes Wagner, and Stefan Zeume “Incentives and Competition in the Airline Industry” by Rajesh K. Aggarwal and Carola Schenone

RCFS Keynote Speaker

RCFS is pleased to announce that Antoinette Schoar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) will be the RCFS Keynote Speaker at Cavalcade North America 2019. Professor Schoar’s speech will take place Wednesday, May 22, at 3:45pm. For more details, please see the program on the Cavalcade web site.