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Citation Impact Factor and Ranking for RFS

We are pleased to share that the RFS impact factor has risen to 4.975 for 2018. This is an increase from 4.270 in 2017. RFS’s ranking in ISI’s Business Finance category has also risen. RFS is now ranked #2, which is an increase from #4 in 2017.

Citation Impact Factor for RCFS

Our publisher, Oxford University Press, has computed the 2018 Citation Impact Factor for RCFS. If RCFS were indexed by ISI, it would have an Impact Factor of 1.938, which increased from last year’s figure of 1.625.

Winners of the RFS Awards

The winners of the RFS Awards were announced at the Awards Reception at SFS Cavalcade North America on May 21. We are pleased to share the winners: Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Award “The Labor Market Effects of Credit Market Information” Marieke Bos, Emily Breza, and Andres Liberman Prize: $20,000 Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Runner Up and Rising Scholar Award “Does Algorithmic Trading Reduce Information Acquisition?” Brian M. Weller Prize: $5000 for each… Read More »Winners of the RFS Awards

Winners of the RCFS Awards

The winners of the RCFS Awards were announced at the Awards Reception at SFS Cavalcade North America on May 21. We are pleased to share the winners: Best Paper Award “Within-Bank Spillovers of Real Estate Shocks” Vicente Cuñat, Dragana Cvijanović, and Kathy Yuan Prize: $20,000 Referee of the Year Ramin P. Baghai Prize: $1000 Congratulations to all our award winners!

Winners of the RAPS Awards

The winners of the RAPS Awards were announced at the Awards Reception at SFS Cavalcade North America on May 21. We are pleased to share the winners: Best Paper Award “Beta Bubbles” Petri Jylhä, Matti Suominen, and Tuomas Tomunen Prize: $20,000 Referee of the Year Brian Weller Prize: $1000 Congratulations to all our award winners!

Winners of the Cavalcade Best Paper Awards

The winners of the SFS Cavalcade North America Best Paper Awards were announced at the Awards Reception on May 21. We are pleased to share the winners: Cavalcade Best Paper in Corporate Finance “The Capitalization of Consumer Financing into Durable Goods Prices” Bronson Argyle, Taylor Nadauld, Christopher Palmer, and Ryan Pratt Prize: $1000 Cavalcade Best Paper in Asset Pricing “Contracting for Financial Execution” Markus Baldauf, Christoph Frei, and Joshua Mollner… Read More »Winners of the Cavalcade Best Paper Awards

Editorial Team Updates

RAPS is pleased to announce that Thierry Foucault has been renewed for another 3-year term as Editor. The following Associate Editors have been renewed for 3-year terms: Roger Edelen, Sydney Ludvigson, Jun Pan, and Andrew Patton. We thank our Editors and Associate Editors for their continued service.

Editorial Team Updates

RFS extends our gratitude to retiring Editor Dave Denis, who is completing his term at the end of the month. Dave has been an Editor with RFS since 2013 and previously served as an Associate Editor. RFS is pleased to welcome the following Associate Editors: Manuel Adelino, Carola Frydman, Stefano Giglio, Xavier Giroud, Camelia Kuhnen, Dimitris Papanikolaou, and Anna Pavlova. We thank our retiring Associate Editors: Bo Becker, Benjamin Keys,… Read More »Editorial Team Updates