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CSEF-RCFS Conference on Finance, Labor, and Inequality 2020

The Conference on Finance, Labor, and Inequality 2020 will feature a dual submission option with RCFS. The RCFS sponsoring editor is Andrew Ellul. The deadline for paper submissions is April 12, 2020. The conference will take place June 12-13 in Capri. For more details, see the Call for Papers.

Editor’s Choice 33(2)

  • RFS News

The Editor’s Choice article for 33(2) is “Financial Frictions and the Great Productivity Slowdown” by Romain Duval, Gee Hee Hong, and Yannick Timmer. You can read the paper free online.

RCFS/RAPS Winter Conference

Decisions for the RCFS/RAPS Winter Conference have been sent. If you selected dual submission, you will receive a separate email from the journal in the next few weeks. If you did not receive your decision email, please contact us.

Winners of the Cavalcade Best Paper Awards

  • SFS News

The winners of the SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific 2019 Best Paper Awards are: Cavalcade Best Paper in Corporate Finance “Freeze! Financial Sanctions and Bank Responses” Matthias Efing, Stefan Goldbach, and Volker Nitsch Prize: $1000 Cavalcade Best Paper in Asset Pricing “Expectations in the Cross Section: Stock Price Reactions to the Information and Bias in Analyst-Expected Returns” Johnathan Loudis Prize: $1000 The Arthur Warga Award for Best Paper in Fixed Income “How… Read More »Winners of the Cavalcade Best Paper Awards

Editorial Team Changes

RFS extends our gratitude to retiring editor Wei Jiang, who is completing her term at the end of the month. Wei has been an editor with RFS since 2017 and previously served as an associate editor. We are pleased to announce that Tarun Ramadorai will be joining RFS as an editor. Tarun is a professor of financial economics at Imperial College London, a research fellow of CEPR, a senior academic… Read More »Editorial Team Changes

Annual Meeting

  • SFS News

[Updated May 21, 2020] The in-person conference at UNC was canceled. The SFS Annual Meeting will take place as part of the virtual conference hosted by the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.  [December 16, 2019] The 2020 Society for Financial Studies Annual Meeting will take place at SFS Cavalcade North America at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in May 2020.