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Part-time RFS Advisory Editor Position

UPDATED April 20, 2020: The position has been filled. A part-time RFS advisory editor position is available for the next academic year, beginning in August 2020.  We’re looking for an advanced finance or economics PhD student or a recent post-doc to provide editorial support in the review process.  The position requires about 10 hours per week and a minimum commitment of one year; extension for another year is possible.  Salary is competitive. The application deadline is May… Read More »Part-time RFS Advisory Editor Position

Editor’s Choice 33(4)

The Editor’s Choice article for 33(4) is “Informing the Market: The Effect of Modern Information Technologies on Information Production” by Meng Gao and Jiekun Huang. You can read the paper free online.

Updated Statement Regarding the SFS Cavalcade

Given the ongoing uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, regrettably we have decided the SFS Cavalcade North America will not be held in person at UNC. We are exploring the possibility of holding it as a virtual conference and we will provide more information when it becomes available.  Please cancel any hotel reservations you have made at the Rizzo Center by going to   Below the “find rooms” link is another link… Read More »Updated Statement Regarding the SFS Cavalcade

Regarding the Current Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak and the SFS Cavalcade

We are planning to proceed with SFS Cavalcade North America 2020 and the safety of the participants is a top priority. We are in hopes that by late May the outbreak will have been contained and not pose a threat. We plan to continually reevaluate whether we need to change the plans based on public health guidance.  We suggest that participants may want to consider whether they should delay booking… Read More »Regarding the Current Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak and the SFS Cavalcade

Program and Registration for Cavalcade North America 2020

  • SFS News

The program and registration for SFS Cavalcade North America 2020 are now available on the conference web site. The Cavalcade will take place May 25-28 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Register by April 15 to pay the discounted registration fee of $175 for members or $225 for nonmembers. The registration fee is waived for doctoral students (from any university) and UNC faculty members.

Decisions for SFS Cavalcade North America 2020

  • SFS News

The decisions for SFS Cavalcade North America 2020 have been sent. If you did not receive your decision, please contact us. If you selected dual submission with RAPS or RCFS, you will receive a separate decision email from the journal in the next few weeks. The program, registration, and hotel information will be posted on the Cavalcade web site in March. We received 1231 submissions. The final program was highly… Read More »Decisions for SFS Cavalcade North America 2020

New RCFS Issue: 9(1)

The new issue of RCFS, 9(1), has published. The Editor’s Choice paper is “How Do Laws and Institutions Affect Recovery Rates for Collateral?” by Hans Degryse, Vasso Ioannidou, José María Liberti, and Jason Sturgesss. Editor’s Choice papers are free to read online.

Special Issue: Climate Finance

  • RFS News

Issue 33(3) of RFS is a special issue, edited by Harrison Hong, G. Andrew Karolyi, and José A. Scheinkman. This special issue is the result of a 2017-8 initiative by the RFS editorial team to develop research proposals on Climate Finance. The editorial is free to read online. The Editor’s Choice paper is “Pricing Uncertainty Induced by Climate Change” by Michael Barnett, William Brock, and Lars Peter Hansen.