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Zhiguo He Joining RAPS as Editor

We are pleased to announce that Zhiguo He will be joining the RAPS team as an Editor. His first day will be July 1, 2021. Zhiguo is the Fuji Bank and Heller Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Please join us in welcoming Zhiguo!

Prior Review Process

RCFS has a submission option for papers that were previously reviewed by other journals. The goal of such review process is to help the editors arrive at a quick and informed decision on a paper based on feedback received by the authors from previous submissions. A paper is eligible for this optional review process if it was previously submitted to a few select journals; please see Prior Review Policy for… Read More »Prior Review Process

Paper Spotlight: Short-termism, Managerial Talent, and Firm Value

Are managers too myopic, relative to what shareholders would want? In a forthcoming RCFS paper, “Short-termism, Managerial Talent, and Firm Value,” Richard Thakor provides a theoretical model in which the answer is “no,” with a surprising twist: In the model, managers prefer long-term projects, because it allows talented managers to earn higher rents. However, to reduce managerial rents, the firm may induce a manager to invest in a short-term project,… Read More »Paper Spotlight: Short-termism, Managerial Talent, and Firm Value

Last Call for Paper Submissions: RCFS Winter Conference

The final day to submit papers to the RCFS Winter Conference is December 1, 2020. The conference, which features a dual submission option with RCFS, will take place virtually on February 13 and 14, 2021. The sponsoring editors are Andrew Ellul, Isil Erel, Camelia Kuhnen, and Uday Rajan. The submission deadline for Registered Reports on Discrimination, Disparities, and Diversity in Finance is December 21, 2020.

ECGI Corporations and COVID-19 Conference

  • RFS News

The Call for Papers for the ECGI Corporations and COVID-19 conference is now available. The conference, which features a dual submission option with RCFS and RFS, will have an online workshop on June 17, 2021, and a conference at the University of Oxford on June 2, 2022. The RCFS sponsoring editor is Andrew Ellul and the RFS sponsoring editors are Itay Goldstein and Holger Mueller. The submission deadline is April… Read More »ECGI Corporations and COVID-19 Conference

Forthcoming Paper

“Disagreement after News: Gradual Information Diffusion or Differences of Opinion?” by Anastassia Fedyk

Paper Spotlight: Wages and Firm Performance: Evidence from the 2008 Financial Crisis

We are living through a pandemic-induced recession that has slashed many firms’ cash flows with a consequent negative impact on both employment and wage levels. Firms, fighting for survival, will be pressed to cut costs, and wages are an important budget line for the vast majority of firms. At the same time, workers are important assets for firms’ survival and prosperity. What are the effects of paying higher wages on… Read More »Paper Spotlight: Wages and Firm Performance: Evidence from the 2008 Financial Crisis