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RCFS Winter Conference: Update

The deadline for submissions of papers and registered reports for the RCFS Winter Conference is over. The Editorial Board has received 410 papers and 32 registered reports. We will finish the review process in early January and will inform all submitters by mid-January 2021.

Editor’s Choice 34(1)

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The Editor’s Choice article for 34(1) is “CAPM-Based Company (Mis)valuations” by Olivier Dessaint, Jacques Olivier, Clemens A. Otto, and David Thesmar. You can read the paper free online.

Paper Spotlight: Short-Selling Bans and Bank Stability

            Regulators around the world often react to financial crises by restricting short sales of bank stocks to maintain financial stability. Then, a natural question to ask is whether these short-selling restrictions end up alleviating unwarranted price drops for banks and hence protect vulnerable financial institutions. In a forthcoming RCFS paper, “Short-Selling Bans and Bank Stability,” Alessandro Beber, Daniela Fabbri, Marco Pagano, and Saverio Simonelli… Read More »Paper Spotlight: Short-Selling Bans and Bank Stability

Forthcoming Paper

“The Sound Of Many Funds Rebalancing” by Alexander Chinco and Vyacheslav Fos

SFS Cavalcade North America 2021 to be Hosted by MIT GCFP

  • SFS News

We are pleased to announce that SFS Cavalcade North America 2021 will be hosted by the MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy. The conference will be held virtually on Zoom from May 24-27, 2021. Registration will be available in 2021 on the Cavalcade web site.

Forthcoming Papers

“The Effect of Taxation on Corporate Financing and Investment” by Hong Chen and Murray Frank “How are Bankers Paid?” by Benjamin Bennett, Radhakrishnan Gopalan, and Anjan V. Thakor

Forthcoming Paper

“Reputation Concerns and Slow-Moving Capital” by Steven Malliaris and Hongjun Yan

Paper Spotlight: Competition for Flow and Short-Termism in Activism

It is not just managers that can have a short-term orientation—the forthcoming theoretical paper “Competition for Flow and Short-Termism in Activism,” by Mike Burkart and Amil Dasgupta, shows that activist funds too can focus on the short term. In the model, activists add value by preventing wastage by the manager. To signal their type to their own investors, they take a short-term action such as boosting leverage to make a… Read More »Paper Spotlight: Competition for Flow and Short-Termism in Activism

SFS Cavalcade North America Submission Period is Closed

  • SFS News

The submission period for SFS Cavalcade North America 2021 has ended. For information on the conference, please visit SFS Cavalcade North America 2021. If you submitted a paper, you can expect to receive a decision in February.