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RCFS Winter Conference Program

The program for the RCFS Winter Conference is now available. The conference will be held virtually from February 12-14, 2021. Registration is available on the conference web site. The deadline to register is February 8.

Forthcoming Paper

“A Panel Regression Approach to Holdings-based Fund Performance Measures” by Wayne Ferson and Junbo Wang

Editor’s Choice 34(2)

  • RFS News

The Editor’s Choice paper for 34(2) is “Performance-Induced CEO Turnover” by Dirk Jenter and Katharina Lewellen. You can read the paper free online.

Forthcoming Paper

“Investing in Socially Responsible Mutual Funds” by Christopher Geczy, Robert Stambaugh, and David Levin

RCFS Winter Conference: Decisions

Decisions for submitted papers and registered reports have been sent. If you selected dual submission, you will receive a separate email from RCFS. Conference registration will be available soon on the RCFS Winter Conference website.

Paper Spotlight: Efficient Programs to Support Businesses During and After Lockdowns

The scale and scope of various government interventions around the globe in the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak have been nothing short of staggering. Programs have come in different forms: guaranteed loans, equity injections, bank loans to SMEs that can be transformed into government-financed grants, etc. The actions taken in the initial stages of the outbreak, necessary to fight the economic fallout, are bound to generate major spillovers going forward.… Read More »Paper Spotlight: Efficient Programs to Support Businesses During and After Lockdowns

Joint Statement by the Editors of the JF, RFS, and the Incoming Editor of the JFE Concerning Referee Confidentiality

A recent paper by the current editor of the Journal of Financial Economics posted on SSRN on December 15, 2020 revealed paper acceptance rates by individual referees at the JFE. The editors of the JF, RFS, and the incoming editor of the JFE hereby affirm our commitment to never publicly disclose data that could reveal individual referees’ confidential recommendations, or any other confidential information about the editorial process. The editors… Read More »Joint Statement by the Editors of the JF, RFS, and the Incoming Editor of the JFE Concerning Referee Confidentiality

Forthcoming Papers

“Can Individual Investors Beat the Market?” by Joshua Coval, David Hirshleifer, and Tyler Shumway “Is Positive Sentiment in Corporate Annual Reports Informative? Evidence from Deep Learning” by Mehran Azimi and Anup Agrawal “Are Monthly Market Returns Predictable?” by Jussi Keppo, Tyler Shumway, and Daniel Weagley

Paper Spotlight: Crisis Poison Pills

The stock market stress caused by the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak generated an ideal situation for cash-rich activists to buy strategic equity positions in target firms. Distinguishing low stock valuations due to bad management decisions, potentially necessitating an activist campaign, from the systematic blow due to the pandemic’s economic impact, may have been too difficult under the circumstances we observed in the early months. Some of these activist campaigns… Read More »Paper Spotlight: Crisis Poison Pills