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Editorial Team Changes

We are pleased to share that Andrew Ellul has been renewed for another 3-year term as Executive Editor and Isil Erel has been renewed for a second term as an editor. We are grateful to Uday Rajan, who has completed his second term as an editor. Uday has been with RCFS since 2015 and we are so thankful to him for his dedication. We welcome Robert Marquez to the team… Read More »Editorial Team Changes

Editorial Team Changes

We are pleased to share that Itay Goldstein has been renewed for another 3-year term as Executive Editor and Ralph Koijen has been renewed for a second term as an editor. We are grateful to our retiring associate editors: Dimitris Papanikolaou Kenneth Ahern Zhi Da Vyacheslav Fos Kai Li Nadya Malenko Veronika Pool Alexi Savov Michela Verardo and welcome our incoming associate editors: Jaroslav Borovicka (New York University) Laurent Fresard (University of Lugano) Cary Frydman (University of Southern California)… Read More »Editorial Team Changes

Amir Sufi’s Keynote Video Now Available

The video of Amir Sufi’s keynote presentation, “A Goldilocks Theory of Fiscal Policy,” at Cavalcade North America 2021 can now be viewed on the Cavalcade web site.

Eugene Fama’s Keynote Video Now Available

The video of Eugene Fama’s keynote presentation at Cavalcade North America 2021 can now be viewed on the Cavalcade web site. This keynote was a special Q&A session hosted by RAPS Executive Editor Jeffrey Pontiff.

Cavalcade Keynote Videos Now Available

Videos of the keynotes from Cavalcade North America 2021 are now available on the Cavalcade web site. Our thanks to the MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy for preparing and hosting the videos. Videos from the paper presentations will be linked on the website soon. Cavalcade Keynote: “Epidemics, Crises, and Beliefs” by Ulrike Malmendier (UC Berkeley) RCFS Keynote: “A Goldilocks Theory of Fiscal Policy” by Amir Sufi (University of Chicago)… Read More »Cavalcade Keynote Videos Now Available

Forthcoming Paper

“Seed-Stage Success and Growth of Angel Co-investment Networks” by Buvaneshwaran Venugopal and Vijay Yerramilli

Forthcoming Paper

“Valuation Risk in Mutual Fund Portfolio Disclosure” by Hsiu-lang Chen

Special Issue: Big Data in Finance

Now available: Special Issue: Big Data in Finance “Introduction: Big Data in Finance” by Itay Goldstein, Chester S. Spatt, and Mao Ye Editor’s Choice: “Selecting Directors Using Machine Learning” by Isil Erel, Léa Stern, Chenhao Tan, and Michael S. Weisbach