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Paper Spotlight: Staggered Boards and the Value of Voting Rights

Do staggered (or classified) boards harm shareholder value through entrenchment or help through stability? In a forthcoming RCFS paper, “Staggered Boards and the Value of Voting Rights,” Oğuzhan Karakaş and Mahdi Mohseni revisit this question by using a novel methodology and provide causal evidence on the entrenchment view of staggered boards. Existence of staggered boards, where only a fraction of board members is up for election in a year, has… Read More »Paper Spotlight: Staggered Boards and the Value of Voting Rights

Special Issue: Real and Private Value Assets

Now available: Special Issue: Real and Private Value Assets Introduction “Real and Private-Value Assets” by William N. Goetzmann, Christophe Spaenjers, and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh Editor’s Choice: “Climate Change and Long-Run Discount Rates: Evidence from Real Estate” by Stefano Giglio, Matteo Maggiori, Krishna Rao, Johannes Stroebel, and Andreas Weber  

17th Financial Research Association Conference

The 17th Annual Meeting of the Financial Research Association will feature a dual submission option with RAPS and RCFS. The deadline for paper submissions is August 31, 2021. The conference will take place December 11-12, at the Encore Hotel in Las Vegas. Submit online here.

Cavalcade Recordings Now Available

Videos of the paper presentations from Cavalcade North America 2021 are now available on the Cavalcade web site. Our thanks to the MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy for preparing and hosting the videos. 

Impact Factor

We are pleased to share that the RFS impact factor for 2019 has risen to 5.838 and the 5-year Impact Factor has risen to 9.358 (Clarivate, 2020). These results continue to be among the top ones in the field. OUP has granted temporary free access to some of RFS’s most cited papers.

Forthcoming Paper

“The Wisdom of Crowds in FinTech: Evidence from Initial Coin Offerings” by Tao Li, Donghwa Shin, and Jongsub Lee

Paper Spotlight: Effect of the Equity Capital Ratio on the Relationship between Competition and Bank Risk-Taking Behavior

Risk taking by banks has been discussed extensively by researchers and policy makers for many years, even preceding the Great Recession. Literature has focused on two mechanisms that alter banks’ risk-taking behavior: higher regulatory capital ratios and higher competition due to bank deregulation. But, how does a bank’s equity capital ratio interact with banking competition in their impact on risk taking? In a forthcoming RCFS paper, “Effect of the Equity Capital… Read More »Paper Spotlight: Effect of the Equity Capital Ratio on the Relationship between Competition and Bank Risk-Taking Behavior

Council Changes

Raman Uppal has completed his term as Council Chair. Raman has long been dedicated to the SFS and its journals. He previously served as an SFS Council Member, an RFS editor, a RAPS editor, and a RAPS associate editor. We are so grateful to Raman for all he has done for the Society.           Renee Adams will be the new Council Chair. Renee has been on the… Read More »Council Changes

Editorial Team Changes

We are pleased to share that Hui Chen has been renewed for a second term as an editor. We are grateful to Nikolai Roussanov and Thierry Foucault, who have completed their terms as editors. Thierry has been with RAPs since 2016 and previously served as an associate editor. Nick has been with RAPS since 2018. We thank them for their service. We welcome Zhiguo He and Marcin Kacperczyk to the team as… Read More »Editorial Team Changes