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Editor’s Choice

The Editor’s Choice paper for issue 11(2) is “Zero-Coupon Yields and the Cross-Section of Bond Prices” by N. Aaron Pancost. Editor’s Choice papers are free to read on our publisher’s web site.

Cavalcade Begins Next Week

SFS Cavalcade North America 2021 begins on Monday, May 24, at 5pm with a Keynote by Chair Ulrike Malmendier. The entire conference will be virtual this year. For more, visit the conference website.

Andrew Ellul in SEE FAR

In the Spring 2021 issue of SEE FAR, RCFS Executive Editor Andrew Ellul has written “Financing Innovation: Evidence from the Medical Field” based on a session that RCFS co-organized at the 17th Annual Conference on Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation with the Olin Business School at Washington University.

Fireside Chat with Itay Goldstein

On May 26 at 12pm, RFS Executive Editor Itay Goldstein will be participating in a fireside chat with AFFECT on publishing in finance. Register here.

Cavalcade North America 2021

Have your registered for the SFS Cavalcade yet? The virtual conference will take place one week from today! Register and view the program on the Cavalcade website.

Robert Marquez Joining the RCFS Team

We are pleased to announce that Robert Marquez is joining RCFS as an editor. Robert is a professor of finance at University of California, Davis. He is an expert in banking and corporate finance and is currently an associate editor at Management Science. His first day will be July 1, 2021.

Forthcoming Paper

“Pricing Implications of Covariances and Spreads in Currency Markets” by Thomas Andreas Maurer, Thuy Duong To, and Ngoc-Khanh Tran

Forthcoming Paper

“Are Directors Rewarded for Excellence? Evidence from Reputation Shocks and Career Outcomes” by Mark Andrew Chen, Hai Tran, Qinxi Wu, and Evgenia Zhivotova

Forthcoming Paper

“Investor Rewards to Climate Responsibility: Stock-Price Responses to the Opposite Shocks of the 2016 and 2020 U.S. Elections” by Stefano Ramelli, Alexander F. Wagner, Richard Zeckhauser, and Alexandre Ziegler