Annual Meeting
The 2022 Society for Financial Studies Annual Meeting will take place at SFS Cavalcade North America at UNC at Chapel Hill in May 2022.
The 2022 Society for Financial Studies Annual Meeting will take place at SFS Cavalcade North America at UNC at Chapel Hill in May 2022.
The program and registration for SFS Cavalcade North America 2022 are now available on the conference website. The Cavalcade will take place May 22-25 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Register by April 8 to pay the discounted registration fee. The registration fee is waived for PhD students.
The RAPS dual submission decisions for SFS Cavalcade North America 2022 have been sent. If you submitted your paper as a dual submission and did not receive your decision email, please contact us.
“Credit Union and Bank Subprime Lending in the Great Recession” by Kangli Li and Jordan van Rijn
The CSEF-RCFS Conference on Finance, Labor, and Inequality is now accepting submissions. Please see the Call for Papers. The conference, which features a dual submission option with RCFS, will take place in Capri from June 17-18, 2022. The RCFS sponsoring editor is Andrew Ellul. The submission deadline is April 3, 2022.
The March issue of RAPS has published! The Editor’s Choice paper is: “Embedded Leverage” Andrea Frazzini, Lasse Heje Pedersen
The March issue of RFS has published! The Editor’s Choice paper is: “Consumers as Financiers: Consumer Surplus, Crowdfunding, and Initial Coin Offerings” by Jeongmin Lee and Christine A Parlour
“Liquidation Cascade and Anticipatory Trading: Evidence from the Structured Equity Product Market” by Jun Kyung Auh and Wonho Cho
Regulatory capital requirements for banks have been a topic of heated discussions by academicians, bankers, and policy makers for decades. Central to these discussions is how costly requiring banks to fund themselves with more equity (rather than cheaper deposits) is and how these possible regulatory costs are transmitted to bank borrowers. In a recently published RCFS paper, “How Do Capital Requirements Affect Loan Rates? Evidence from High Volatility Commercial Real… Read More »Spotlight: How Do Capital Requirements Affect Loan Rates? Evidence from High Volatility Commercial Real Estate
Beginning April 1, 2022, referees will no longer accrue a payment balance for RFS. Referees will be paid for each report rather than being paid after their accounts reach the threshold. Submitting authors will no longer be able to apply their reviewer account balances to pay submission fees beginning April 1.