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Final Week for Early Registration

Register for the Cavalcade by March 31 to pay the early registration fee of $100 for SFS members or $140 for nonmembers. Registration fees increase on April 1! Register online at Cavalcade 2015.

Final Week for Early Registration

Register for the Cavalcade by March 31 to pay the early registration fee of $100 for SFS members or $140 for nonmembers. Registration fees increase on April 1! Register online at Cavalcade 2015.

Latest Forthcoming Paper

“Do Consumers Choose the Right Credit Contracts?” by Sumit Agarwal, Souphala Chomsisengphet, Chunlin Liu, and Nicholas S Souleles

Annual Meeting

The 2015 Society for Financial Studies Annual Meeting will take place at the 2015 Finance Cavalcade at 3:45pm on May 18, 2015, at the Scheller College of Business at Georgia Tech.

New RCFS Issue: March 2015

The new issue of RCFS 4(1) March 2015 has mailed. If you have a subscription, you can also view the issue online here. If you don’t have a subscription, you can still view the Editor’s Choice article for free online!

Latest Forthcoming Papers

“The Financial Crisis of 2007-09: Why Did It Happen and What Did We Learn?” by Anjan Thakor and “Securitization and Banks’ Capital Structures” by Andrés Almazan, Alfredo Martin-Oliver, Jesús Saurina

Editor’s Choice: March

The March 2015 issue of RFS (28/3) features two Editor’s Choice papers: “Editorial: Cosmetic Surgery in the Academic Review Process” by David Hirshleifer and “Digesting Anomalies: An Investment Approach” by Kewei Hou, Chen Xue, and Lu Zhang. “Digesting Anomalies” is also featured in a corresponding post on the OUP Blog. You can read both papers for free online by clicking on their titles in this post, or by visiting RFS Editor’s Choice.