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Winners of the RFS Awards

The winners of the RFS Awards were announced at the Awards Reception on Tuesday, May 19, at the SFS Finance Cavalcade Conference. We are pleased to now share the winners: Distinguished Referee Award  Zhi Da, Doron Levit, Andrey Malenko, Gregory Nini, Adi Sunderam, Sheri Tice, and Liyan Yang Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Award “High-Frequency Trading and Price Discovery” by Jonathan Brogaard, Terrence Hendershott, and Ryan Riordan Prize: $20,000 Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Runner Up “Financial Market Dislocations” by Paolo Pasquariello… Read More »Winners of the RFS Awards

Winners of the Cavalcade Best Paper Awards

The winners of the Cavalcade Best Paper Awards were announced at the Awards Reception on Tuesday, May 19, at the SFS Finance Cavalcade Conference. We are pleased to now share the winners: Cavalcade Best Paper in Corporate Finance, in honor of Jerome A. Chazen, sponsored by the Chazen Institute of International Business at Columbia Business School Winner: “The Deposits Channel of Monetary Policy” by Itamar Drechsler, Alexi Savov, Philipp Schnabl Prize: $1000 Cavalcade Best… Read More »Winners of the Cavalcade Best Paper Awards

Changes to the Editorial Team

RCFS announces the retirement of Editor Christopher Hennessy. Christopher was one of the founding Editors of RCFS, and we are very grateful for his invaluable contributions to establishing the Review. We thank him very much for his service. At the same time we are very proud to announce that Uday Rajan of the University of Michigan will be the incoming Editor. We look forward to having him on our team.

LaTeX Style Files Now Available

We are happy to announce that our publisher has made LaTeX style files available to help authors format their papers according to RCFS style. You can reach the files on our publisher’s web site or on our web site under Accepted Papers. Please note: these files are for formatting your accepted paper. When submitting a paper, you will still need to follow the guidelines for submissions. Please contact Jaclyn with… Read More »LaTeX Style Files Now Available

LaTeX Style Files Now Available

We are happy to announce that our publisher has made LaTeX style files available to help authors format their papers according to RFS style. You can reach the files on our publisher’s web site or on our web site under Accepted Papers. Please note: these files are for formatting your accepted paper. When submitting a paper, you will still need to follow the guidelines for submissions. Please contact Jaclyn with any… Read More »LaTeX Style Files Now Available

Executive Editor Blog: Non-Marketable Assets and Capital Market Equilibrium – Redux

A new installment of Andrew Karolyi’s Executive Editor blog is now available. This month’s feature, “Non-Marketable Assets and Capital Market Equilibrium – Redux” examines “Human Capital as an Asset Class Implications from a General Equilibrium Model” by Miguel Palacios. Visit the RFS Executive Editor Blog to read the post.

Non-Marketable Assets and Capital Market Equilibrium – Redux

[This is another of a series of editorials by Executive Editor Andrew Karolyi at the Review of Financial Studies featuring recently published papers at the journal. This editorial features “Human Capital as an Asset Class Implications from a General Equilibrium Model” by Vanderbilt University’s Miguel Palacios. This paper is from Issue 28 (4) for April 2015. It was selected as an Editor’s Choice article on Oxford University Press web site for RFS.] As… Read More »Non-Marketable Assets and Capital Market Equilibrium – Redux

Editor’s Choice: May & June

The Editor’s Choice article for May 2015 (issue 28/5) is “New Evidence on the Financialization of Commodity Markets” by Brian J. Henderson, Neil D. Pearson, and Li Wang. You can read the article free online here. The Editor’s Choice article for June 2015 (issue 28/6) is “Capital Account Opening and Wage Inequality” by Mauricio Larrain. You can read the article free online here.

RCFS Awards to be Announced May 19th

We’ll be announcing the winners of this year’s RCFS Best Paper Award and RCFS Referee of the Year Award at the Awards Reception held on May 19th at Cavalcade 2015. The Best Paper Award has a prize of $10,000 and the Referee of the Year has a $1000 prize! To see winners from previous years, visit RCFS Awards.