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Part-time Advisory Editor Position

A part-time RFS advisory editor position is available for the next academic year. The position will begin on September 1 (or sooner if preferred).  Job responsibilities include recommending referees and ensuring that all submission guidelines are met.  For more information, see Part-time RFS Advisory Editor Position.

New Editor Appointment

RFS is pleased to announce the appointment of Lauren Cohen as an Editor of the Review, beginning July 17, 2017. Lauren is the L.E. Simmons Professor in the Finance Unit at Harvard Business School and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He previously served as an Associate Editor for the Review from 2009-2012. Please join us in welcoming Lauren to his new role.  

Forthcoming Paper

“Robust Models of CEO Turnover: New Evidence on Relative Performance Evaluation” by C. Edward Fee, Charles J. Hadlock, Jing Huang, and Joshua Pierce  

Bid to Host SFS Cavalcade North America 2019

The bidding period to host SFS Cavalcade North America 2019 begins today. Bids must be received by October 1, 2017. For details, please see the Invitation to Bid and visit SFS Cavalcade North America 2019.

Matt Spiegel’s Presidential Term Ends

The SFS is thankful to Matt Spiegel, who is concluding his term as President today. Matt has been SFS President since 2014. His history with the SFS and its journals is extensive. Matt served as SFS Vice President from 2011-2014 and as the Executive Editor of the Review of Financial Studies from 2005-2011. He is responsible for founding the SFS Cavalcade conference, which just hosted its seventh conference and is expanding this year… Read More »Matt Spiegel’s Presidential Term Ends