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Would you like to be notified about new papers? Would you like to receive an email with the table of contents when a new issue publishes online? You can sign up for free email alerts from our publisher, Oxford University Press. Simply create an Oxford My Journals account and select the alerts you’d like to receive. Don’t be deterred by having to set up an account – it’s a quick… Read More »Email Alerts

Cavalcade North America Keynote

Heitor Almeida’s keynote speech, Is It Time To Get Rid of Earnings‐per‐Share (EPS)?, presented at Cavalcade North America 2018, is now available on our web site.

Editorial Team Changes

RFS is pleased to welcome the following Associate Editors: Kenneth Ahern, Zhi Da, Vyacheslav Fos, Kai Li, Nadya Malenko, Veronika Pool, Alexi Savov, and Michela Verardo. We thank our retiring Associate Editors: Hui Chen, Todd Gormley, Zhiguo He, Gerard Hoberg, Victoria Ivashina, Dirk Jenter, Amiyatosh Purnanandam, and Paul Tetlock. All changes are effective July 1, 2018.

SFS Council Updates

SFS Council Chair Adlai Fisher’s term is ending on June 30. We thank him for his service to the Society. Raman Uppal will be the new Council Chair. Council Member Renee Adams has been renewed for a three-year term. All changes are effective July 1, 2018.

Editorial Team Changes

RAPS is pleased to announce that Hui Chen will be joining our team as an Editor. We thank Raman Uppal, who will be retiring from his role as an Editor. RAPS welcomes the following Associate Editors: Pierre Collin-Dufresne, Hanno Lustig, Christopher Malloy, and Allan Timmermann. The following Associate Editors have been renewed for three-year terms: Kerry Back, Joel Hasbrouck, Albert Menkveld, and Stavros Panageas. All changes are effective July 1, 2018.

Winners of the RAPS Awards

The winners of the RAPS Awards were announced at the Awards Reception at SFS Cavalcade North America on May 23. We are pleased to share the winners: Best Paper Award “Crowded Positions: An Overlooked Systemic Risk for Central Clearing Parties” Albert Menkveld Prize: $20,000 Referee of the Year Awards Martijn Cremers, Roger Edelen Prizes: $1000 Rising Scholar Award “The Cross-Section of Expected Returns in the Secondary Corporate Loan Market” Mehdi Beyhaghi and Sina Ehsani Prize: $5000 Congratulations to… Read More »Winners of the RAPS Awards

Winners of the Cavalcade Best Paper Awards

The winners of the SFS Cavalcade North America Best Paper Awards were announced at the Awards Reception on May 23 at SFS Cavalcade North America. We are pleased to share the winners: Cavalcade Best Paper in Corporate Finance “For Richer, For Poorer: Banker’s Skin-in-the-game and Risk Taking in New England, 1867-1880” Peter Koudijs and Laura Salisbury Prize: $1000 Cavalcade Best Paper in Asset Pricing “What do fund flows reveal about asset pricing models… Read More »Winners of the Cavalcade Best Paper Awards

Winners of the RCFS Awards

The winners of the RCFS Awards were announced at the Awards Reception at SFS Cavalcade North America on May 23. We are pleased to share the winners: Best Paper Award “Have Instrumental Variables Brought Us Closer to the Truth” Wei Jiang Prize: $20,000 Referee of the Year Ilona Babenko Prize: $1000 Congratulations to all our award winners! For past award history, please visit our Awards page.

Winners of the RFS Awards

The winners of the RFS Awards were announced at the Awards Reception at SFS Cavalcade North America on May 23. We are pleased to share the winners: Distinguished Referee Awards Ralph Koijen, Eric Zwick Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Award “Does Hedging Affect Firm Value? Evidence from a Natural Experiment” Erik Gilje and Jérôme Taillard Prize: $20,000 Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Runner Up “The Freedom of Information Act and the Race Toward Information Acquisition” Antonio… Read More »Winners of the RFS Awards