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New RCFS Issue: September 2018

The new issue of RCFS, 7(2) September 2018, has published online. If you have a subscription, you can read the issue online. If you don’t have a subscription, you can still read the Editor’s Choice paper for free online!

Forthcoming Paper

“Relative Tick Size and the Trading Environment” by Maureen O’Hara, Gideon Saar, and Zhuo Zhong

Editor’s Choice 31(9)

The Editor’s Choice article for 31(9) is “Short-Rate Expectations and Unexpected Returns in Treasury Bonds” by Anna Cieslak. You can read the article free online.

Editor’s Choice: September

The Editor’s Choice paper for September 2018 (issue 7/2) is “Within-Bank Spillovers of Real Estate Shocks” by Vicente Cuñat, Dragana Cvijanović, and Kathy Yuan. You can read the article free online here.

RFS Announces Behavioral Finance Award Sponsored by Hillcrest Asset Management

RFS is pleased to announce the new Hillcrest Best Paper Prize for the best paper in Behavioral Finance published in the Review of Financial Studies. The prize, which will be presented for the first time in 2019, will be sponsored by Hillcrest Asset Management, an institutional investment management firm and a leader in the field of Behavioral Finance investing. RFS is the first top finance journal to offer a Behavioral… Read More »RFS Announces Behavioral Finance Award Sponsored by Hillcrest Asset Management

Forthcoming Papers

“Price and Size Discovery in Financial Markets: Evidence from the U.S. Treasury Securities Market” by Michael J. Fleming and Giang Nguyen “A Market-Based Funding Liquidity Measure” by Zhuo Chen and Andrea Y Lu

Virtual Issue: Housing Economics

Oxford University Press’s new virtual issue on housing economics features three RFS papers: “Housing Price Booms and Crowding-Out Effects in Bank Lending” by Indraneel Chakraborty, Itay Goldstein, and Andrew MacKinlay “Mortgage Supply and Housing Rents” by Pedro Gete and Michael Reher “Housing Demand During the Boom: The Role of Expectations and Credit Constraints” by Tim Landvoigt The virtual issue is free to read online until the end of September on … Read More »Virtual Issue: Housing Economics

Virtual Issue: Housing Economics

Oxford University Press’s new virtual issue on housing economics features an RCFS paper: “Within-Bank Spillovers of Real Estate Shocks” by Vicente Cuñat, Dragana Cvijanović, and Kathy Yuan. The virtual issue is free to read online until the end of September on  Oxford’s web site.

Submission Period for SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific 2018 is Open

The SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific 2018 submission period is open. To submit, please visit Cavalcade Asia-Pacific 2018. The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2018. Click here to view the Call for Papers. Dual Submission: The Cavalcade features dual submission with The Review of Asset Pricing Studies and The Review of Corporate Finance Studies. Reminder for doctoral students: For papers in which ALL co-authors are doctoral students, the submission fee is waived. Job Market: Asia-Pacific… Read More »Submission Period for SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific 2018 is Open

Bid to Host SFS Cavalcade North America 2020

The bidding period to host SFS Cavalcade North America 2020 opens today. Bids must be received by October 1, 2018. For details, please see the Invitation to Bid and visit SFS Cavalcade North America 2020.