We are sad to report that Rick Green died on October 9th due to cancer. He was a Professor of Financial Economics and the Richard M. and Margaret S. Cyert Chair at the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University. He was a great friend, colleague, and mentor to many. He made intellectual contributions in a wide range of areas and particularly in mutual funds, market microstructure, and taxation. The Society for Financial Studies appreciates his excellent service as SFS President 2012-2014, as SFS Vice President 1997-1999, as an RFS Co-Editor 1990-1994, and as an RFS Assistant Editor 1989-1990. The profession benefited in many other ways, including his service as Editor of the Journal of Finance 2000-2003, President of the American Finance Association 2006, and President of the Western Finance Association 1999-2000. Rick was always friendly, thoughtful, and supportive. Our lives and the academic finance profession are better for having known him.