University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, MI
May 23-27, 2011
Hosted by The Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan with Financial Support from the Mitsui Life Financial Research Center
The first edition of the SFS Finance Cavalcade was a five-day conference covering all fields of finance. The conference was organized by the Society of Financial Studies (SFS). The SFS runs the Review of Financial Studies and two new journals, the Review of Asset Pricing Studies (RAPS) and the Review of Corporate Finance Studies (RCFS). RAPS and RCFS join the RFS to form a suite of three independent A-level journals that are now available to scholars in finance and related disciplines as outlets for their research.
2011 SFS Finance Cavalcade Program
2011 SFS Finance Cavalcade Program Committee
2011 SFS Finance Cavalcade Photos
2011 SFS Finance Cavalcade Registrants
Conference Chairs
Matthew Spiegel (Yale University)
Paolo Fulghieri (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Wayne Ferson (University of Southern California)
Host’s Faculty Sponsors: Sugato Bhattacharyya, E. Han Kim, Paolo Pasquariello, Tyler Shumway
Event Organization by Jaclyn Ciavarra (SFS), Erin Schwartz (SFS), Joyce Buchanan (University of Michigan)
Keynote Speaker
Matthew Spiegel (Yale University)
Conference Dual Submission Option
You may elect dual submission to either the Review of Corporate Finance Studies or the Review of Asset Pricing Studies. If the new journal you select decides not to send your paper out for review, the editor may refer your paper to the other new journal, if appropriate, or to the Review of Financial Studies for possible review. Thus, by selecting the dual submission option, you have implicitly agreed to be reviewed by any of the three SFS journals.