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Executive Editor Paolo Fulghieri

Photo courtesy of Financial Markets Research Center at Vanderbilt. Credit: Chad Driver Productions.

Because he will soon be completing his second term as Executive Editor of The Review of Corporate Finance Studies, we reluctantly say good-bye to Paolo Fulghieri. Paolo has contributed much to the Society of Financial Studies. He served The Review of Financial Studies as Associate Editor (2001-2003) and Editor (2006-2010), after which he was recruited to be the founding Executive Editor of the Review of Corporate Finance Studies, with the first issue coming out in September 2012. Paolo brought a strong vision to the development of the journal, spending many hours in soliciting top quality papers to be submitted to the journal and in his suggestions for improving these submissions during the editorial process. Throughout this time, Paolo has kept his focus on publishing only the highest quality manuscripts. The number of papers in each issue has been kept relatively small in order to only publish the papers that make the strongest contributions to the corporate finance literature. Paolo has developed new ideas during his leadership of RCFS, including founding a new annual conference bringing together a select group of top-quality researchers to present and discuss cutting-edge papers in corporate finance. We thank Paolo for his dedication and contributions to furthering knowledge in finance.