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Editorial Team Changes

We are pleased to share that Itay Goldstein has been renewed for another 3-year term as Executive Editor and Ralph Koijen has been renewed for a second term as an editor.

We are grateful to our retiring associate editors:

Dimitris Papanikolaou
Kenneth Ahern
Zhi Da
Vyacheslav Fos
Kai Li
Nadya Malenko
Veronika Pool
Alexi Savov
Michela Verardo

and welcome our incoming associate editors:

Jaroslav Borovicka (New York University)
Laurent Fresard (University of Lugano)
Cary Frydman (University of Southern California)
Andreas Fuster (EPFL)
Chotibhak Jotikasthira (Southern Methodist University)
Zacharias Sautner (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
Merih Sevilir (Indiana University)
Andrea Vedolin (Boston University)
Dacheng Xiu (University of Chicago).