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Editorial Team Changes

We are pleased to share that Hui Chen has been renewed for a second term as an editor.

We are grateful to Nikolai Roussanov and Thierry Foucault, who have completed their terms as editors. Thierry has been with RAPs since 2016 and previously served as an associate editor. Nick has been with RAPS since 2018. We thank them for their service.

We welcome Zhiguo He and Marcin Kacperczyk to the team as editors.

We are also grateful to our retiring associate editors:

Kerry Back
Pierre Collin-Dufresne
Joel Hasbrouck
Hanno Lustig
Christopher Malloy
Albert Menkveld
Stavros Panageas
Allan Timmermann

and welcome our incoming associate editors:

Frederico Belo (INSEAD)
Terrence Hendershott (University of California, Berkeley)
Anna Pavlova (London Business School)
Sophie Shive (University of Notre Dame).