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RFS News

Winners of the RFS Awards

The winners of the RFS Awards were announced at the Awards Reception at SFS Cavalcade North America. We are pleased to now share the winners: Distinguished Referee Award  Michelle Lowry, Philipp Schnabl, Clemens Sialm Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Award “Who Facilitated Misreporting in Securitized Loans?” John M. Griffin and Gonzalo Maturana Prize: $20,000 Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Runner Up “Loan Originations and Defaults in the Mortgage Crisis: The Role of the Middle Class” Manuel… Read More »Winners of the RFS Awards

Editorial Team Changes

RFS is pleased to announce that Andrew Karolyi will be continuing for a second term as Executive Editor, and Francesca Cornellli and Philip Strahan have been renewed for second terms as Editors. We also welcome the following Associate Editors: Henrik Cronqvist, Ran Duchin, Isil Erel, Dirk Hackbarth, Paolo Pasquariello, and Lalitha Naveen. We thank our retiring Associate Editors: Joao Cocco, Robert Dittmar, Thierry Foucault, Ron Kaniel, Ralph Koijen, Hanno Lustig, Richard Sias, and Toni Whited. All changes are effective… Read More »Editorial Team Changes

A safe asset for Europe

RFS Editor Stijn van Nieuwerburgh contributed this morning to a Financial Times editorial entitled “Safe Bonds for Europe.” It advocates for a new financial innovation to foster greater stability for the financial system in Europe. See the full editorial here.

Wharton Conference on Liquidity and Financial Fragility

The Wharton Conference on Liquidity and Financial Fragility will feature a dual submission option with RFS. The RFS sponsoring editor is Itay Goldstein. The deadline for paper submission is June 15, 2017. The conference will take place October 13–14, 2017, on the University of Pennsylvania campus in Philadelphia, PA. The Call for Papers may be viewed here.

2017 University of Oklahoma Energy and Commodities Finance Research Conference

The University of Oklahoma’s Price College Energy Institute and the Price College Center for Financial Studies are organizing the 2017 OU Energy and Commodities Finance Research Conference. The conference will feature a dual submission option with RFS. The RFS sponsoring editor is Philip Strahan. The deadline for paper submission is 15 May 2017. The conference will take place September 29-30, 2017 on the OU campus in Norman, Oklahoma. The Call… Read More »2017 University of Oklahoma Energy and Commodities Finance Research Conference

Climate Finance – A Call for Proposals

  • RFS News

The RFS announces the creation of a novel two-stage editorial process designed to encourage researchers to engage in innovative research on the emerging topic of Climate Finance. The process is closely related to a “registered reports” format with a first-stage workshop to review accepted proposals and a second-stage conference to evaluate final papers. The conference organizers are Harrison Hong and José Scheinkman of Columbia University together with RFS editor, Andrew… Read More »Climate Finance – A Call for Proposals

Upcoming Editor Change

  • RFS News

The RFS would like to thank Professor Robin Greenwood, whose term as editor of the Review is ending January 31, 2017. We wish Robin all the best with his new endeavors.

FinTech – A Call for Proposals

  • RFS News

The RFS announces the creation of a novel two-stage editorial process designed to encourage researchers to engage in innovative research on the emerging topic of FinTech. The process is closely related to a “registered reports” format with a first-stage workshop to review accepted proposals and a second-stage conference to evaluation final papers. The RFS sponsoring editors are Itay Goldstein, Wei Jiang, and Andrew Karolyi. The deadline for proposals is March… Read More »FinTech – A Call for Proposals

19th Annual Texas Finance Festival

  • RFS News

The 19th Annual Texas Finance Festival will feature a dual submission option with RFS. The RFS sponsoring editors are Itay Goldstein and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh. The deadline for paper submissions is January 15, 2017. The conference will take place April 20-22, 2017. The Call for Papers may be viewed here.

Submission Period for Cavalcade North America 2017 is Now Open!

The SFS Cavalcade North America 2017 submission period is now open. To submit, please visit Cavalcade North America 2017. The deadline for submissions is December 7, 2016. Dual Submission: The Cavalcade features dual submission with The Review of Asset Pricing Studies and The Review of Corporate Finance Studies. Details are available at Cavalcade North America 2017. Reminder for doctoral students: For papers in which ALL co-authors are doctoral students, the submission fee is… Read More »Submission Period for Cavalcade North America 2017 is Now Open!