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RFS News

RFS on Twitter

The Review of Financial Studies is launching a Twitter account. Follow us @RevOfFinStudies.

RFS Paper Featured on OUP Blog

The OUP blog features a post by Oscar Stolper and Andreas Walter based on their paper, “Birds of a Feather: The Impact of Homophily on the Propensity to Follow Financial Advice,” from the February 2019 issue of RFS. To accompany the post, we’ve made the paper free to read online! Check out the blog post here and read the paper here.

Special Issue: To FinTech and Beyond

The May issue (32/5) of RFS is a special issue, edited by Professors Itay Goldstein, Wei Jiang, and Andrew Karolyi, on FinTech. This special issue is the result of a 2017 initiative by the RFS editorial team to develop research proposals on FinTech. The editorial is free to read online.

Editors Joining the RFS Team

RFS is pleased to announce the appointment of two new Editors: Holger Mueller and Manju Puri. Holger Mueller is the Nomura Professor of Finance at New York University Stern School of Business, a research associate at The National Bureau of Economic Research, a research associate at the European Corporate Governance Institute, and a research fellow at The Center for Economic and Policy Research. Holger will join the RFS team on… Read More »Editors Joining the RFS Team

Editor’s Choice 32(4)

The Editor’s Choice article for 32(4) is “Firm Financing over the Business Cycle” by Juliane Begenau and Juliana Salomao. You can read the article free online.

RFS Executive Editors on the Knowledge@Wharton Show on SiriusXM

The current and former Executive Editors of RFS, Professors Itay Goldstein and Andrew Karolyi, were interviewed on the Knowledge@Wharton show on SiriusXM about the RFS FinTech initiative. You can listen to the interview and read the related article here. 

Editor’s Choice 32(3)

  • RFS News

The Editor’s Choice article for 32(3) is “Financing Entrepreneurial Production: Security Design with Flexible Information Acquisition” by Ming Yang and Yao Zeng. You can read the article free online.