Editor’s Choice 30(10)
The Editor’s Choice article for 30(10) is “Mortgages and Monetary Policy” by Carlos Garriga, Finn E. Kydland, and Roman Šustek. You can read the article free online.
The Editor’s Choice article for 30(10) is “Mortgages and Monetary Policy” by Carlos Garriga, Finn E. Kydland, and Roman Šustek. You can read the article free online.
The Editor’s Choice article for 30(9) is “Returns to Hedge Fund Activism: An International Study” by Marco Becht, Julian Franks, Jeremy Grant, and Hannes F. Wagner. You can read the article free online.
The part-time RFS advisory editor position has been filled.
A part-time RFS advisory editor position is available for the next academic year. The position will begin on September 1 (or sooner if preferred). Job responsibilities include recommending referees and ensuring that all submission guidelines are met. For more information, see Part-time RFS Advisory Editor Position.
We’ve received a few emails asking how to indicate that your submission is a proposal for Climate Finance 2017. The place to indicate “Climate Finance” is in Step 6 in the submission system. In Step 2, under “Specify Type of Submission,” select “New submission.” Under “Category of submission,” select “Regular.” In Step 6, select the payment waiver “Climate Finance Proposals.” This will indicate to us that your submission is a proposal… Read More »Clarification for Climate Finance Proposals
RFS Editor Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh is quoted in the NY Times in a piece titled, “When the (Empty) Apartment Next Door Is Owned by an Oligarch.” Read the article online here.
The Editor’s Choice article for 30(8) is “Pension Fund Asset Allocation and Liability Discount Rates” by Aleksandar Andonov, Rob M.M.J. Bauer, and K.J. Martijn Cremers. You can read the article free online.
RFS is pleased to announce the appointment of Lauren Cohen as an Editor of the Review, beginning July 17, 2017. Lauren is the L.E. Simmons Professor in the Finance Unit at Harvard Business School and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He previously served as an Associate Editor for the Review from 2009-2012. Please join us in welcoming Lauren to his new role.
See more photos from SFS Cavalcade North America 2017.
Oxford University Press’s new virtual issue on culture and economics features two RFS papers: Nationalism and Economic Exchange: Evidence from Shocks to Sino-Japanese Relations by Raymond Fisman, Yasushi Hamao, and Yongxiang Wang What’s in a Name? Mutual Fund Flows When Managers Have Foreign-Sounding Names by Alok Kumar, Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, and Oliver G. Spalt The virtual issue is free to read online until the end of July on Oxford’s web site.