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RFS News

Editor’s Choice 34(3)

  • RFS News

The Editor’s Choice paper for 34(3) is “Tokenomics: Dynamic Adoption and Valuation” by Lin William Cong, Ye Li, and Neng Wang. You can read the paper free online.

Editor’s Choice 34(2)

  • RFS News

The Editor’s Choice paper for 34(2) is “Performance-Induced CEO Turnover” by Dirk Jenter and Katharina Lewellen. You can read the paper free online.

Joint Statement by the Editors of the JF, RFS, and the Incoming Editor of the JFE Concerning Referee Confidentiality

A recent paper by the current editor of the Journal of Financial Economics posted on SSRN on December 15, 2020 revealed paper acceptance rates by individual referees at the JFE. The editors of the JF, RFS, and the incoming editor of the JFE hereby affirm our commitment to never publicly disclose data that could reveal individual referees’ confidential recommendations, or any other confidential information about the editorial process. The editors… Read More »Joint Statement by the Editors of the JF, RFS, and the Incoming Editor of the JFE Concerning Referee Confidentiality

Editor’s Choice 34(1)

  • RFS News

The Editor’s Choice article for 34(1) is “CAPM-Based Company (Mis)valuations” by Olivier Dessaint, Jacques Olivier, Clemens A. Otto, and David Thesmar. You can read the paper free online.

ECGI Corporations and COVID-19 Conference

  • RFS News

The Call for Papers for the ECGI Corporations and COVID-19 conference is now available. The conference, which features a dual submission option with RCFS and RFS, will have an online workshop on June 17, 2021, and a conference at the University of Oxford on June 2, 2022. The RCFS sponsoring editor is Andrew Ellul and the RFS sponsoring editors are Itay Goldstein and Holger Mueller. The submission deadline is April… Read More »ECGI Corporations and COVID-19 Conference

Editor’s Choice 33(12)

  • RFS News

The Editor’s Choice article for 33(12) is “The Deregulation of the Private Equity Markets and the Decline in IPOs” by Michael Ewens and Joan Farre-Mensa. You can read the paper free online.

NBER Big Data and Securities Markets Virtual Conference

  • RFS News

The program for the NBER Big Data and Securities Markets Virtual Conference is now available. The conference, which featured a dual submission option with RFS, will take place online December 3-4, 2020. The RFS sponsoring editor is Itay Goldstein.