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Efraim Benmelech in Seattle P-I

RCFS Editor Efraim Benmelech’s research is featured in the Seattle P-I in a piece titled,  “Company Performance Improves with Military Veterans.” Read the article online here.

New RCFS Issue: September 2016

The new issue of RCFS 5(2) September 2016 has published online. If you have a subscription, you can view the issue online here. If you don’t have a subscription, you can still view the Editor’s Choice article for free online!

Latest Forthcoming Paper

“An Experimental Analysis of Risk-Shifting Behavior” by Pablo Hernández-Lagos, Paul Povel, and Giorgo Sertsios

Latest Forthcoming Papers

“Spillovers in Local Banking Markets” by Mark Garmaise and Gabriel Natividad and “Smart Buyers” by Samuel Lee and Mike Burkart

Winners of the RCFS Awards

The winners of the RCFS Awards were announced at the Awards Reception on Tuesday, May 17, at the SFS Finance Cavalcade Conference. We are pleased to now share the winners: Best Paper Award “Do Consumers Choose the Right Credit Contracts?” Sumit Agarwal, Souphala Chomsisengphet, Chunlin Liu, and Nicholas S. Souleles Prize: $10,000 Referee of the Year Mara Faccio Prize: $1000 Congratulations to all our award winners! For past award history, please visit our Awards… Read More »Winners of the RCFS Awards

Editorial Team Changes

RCFS welcomes Gregor Matvos as an Editor, replacing Amit Seru, who will retire from his position. We thank Amit for his service to the journal. RCFS also welcomes Carola Frydman and Victoria Ivashina as Associate Editors. We thank retiring Associate Editors Thomas Noe and Amir Sufi for their service. All changes are effective July 1, 2016.

Special RCFS Paper Presentation at Cavalcade 2016

Cavalcade 2016 will feature a special presentation from the Review of Corporate Finance Studies on Tuesday, May 17, at 3:45pm. The presented paper will be “Spillovers in Local Banking Markets” by Mark Garmaise and Gabriel Natividad.

Change to Mailing Address

Please note that the mailing address of the Society for Financial Studies and The Review of Corporate Finance Studies has changed. The new address is posted online at Contact Us.