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13th Jackson Hole Finance Conference

The 13th Jackson Hole Finance Conference will take place January 19-21, 2019, in Jackson Hole, WY. The conference features a dual submission option with RAPS and RCFS. For more, visit the conference web site.

Conference on Finance, Labor and Inequality

The Conference on Finance, Labor and Inequality will feature a dual submission option with RCFS. The deadline for paper submissions is April 10, 2019. The conference will take place June 21-22, 2019, in Capri. The Call for Papers may be viewed here.

Forthcoming Papers

“Short-Termism and Capital Flows” by Jesse Fried and Charles C.Y. Wang “Is It Time to Get Rid of Earnings-per-Share (EPS)?” by Heitor Almeida

Forthcoming Paper

“Deposit insurance, bank risk taking, and failures: Evidence from early twentieth-century state deposit insurance systems” by Felipe Aldunate

Rising Scholar Award

RCFS is now offering a Rising Scholar Award. The $5000 prize is awarded to a paper that was published in RAPS in which no author on the paper received either their current academic appointment or most recent Ph.D. more than 6 years prior to when the paper was submitted to RAPS. Is your paper eligible? Check the requirements and if you are eligible, remember to select “Rising Scholar” as your… Read More »Rising Scholar Award

Forthcoming Papers

“Optimal Security Design under Asymmetric Information and Profit Manipulation” by Giulio  Trigilia, Kostas Koufopoulos, and Roman Kozhan “Inventory and Corporate Risk Management” by Marco Bianco and Andrea Gamba

Forthcoming Paper

“Information: Hard and Soft” by Jose Maria Liberti and Mitchell Petersen

2019 RCFS/RAPS Conference at Baha Mar

Following the success of the first RCFS conference last year, the Society for Financial Studies is hosting a joint RCFS/RAPS conference at Nassau in the Bahamas from February 15 to 17, 2019. The sponsoring editors are: (RCFS) Andrew Ellul, Isil Erel, Gregor Matvos, Uday Rajan, and (RAPS) Jeffrey Pontiff, Hui Chen, Thierry Foucault, and Nikolai Roussanov. The submission period is September 7 – November 1, 2018. The Call for Papers may… Read More »2019 RCFS/RAPS Conference at Baha Mar

New RCFS Issue: September 2018

The new issue of RCFS, 7(2) September 2018, has published online. If you have a subscription, you can read the issue online. If you don’t have a subscription, you can still read the Editor’s Choice paper for free online!

Editor’s Choice: September

The Editor’s Choice paper for September 2018 (issue 7/2) is “Within-Bank Spillovers of Real Estate Shocks” by Vicente Cuñat, Dragana Cvijanović, and Kathy Yuan. You can read the article free online here.