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Forthcoming Paper

“Rethinking the Use of Credit Ratings in Capital Regulations: Evidence From the Insurance Industry” by Kathleen Weiss Hanley and Stanislava Nikolova

Forthcoming Paper

“Information Bias in the Proxy Advisory Market” by Shichao Ma and Yan Xiong

New RCFS Issue: 9(1)

The new issue of RCFS, 9(1), has published. The Editor’s Choice paper is “How Do Laws and Institutions Affect Recovery Rates for Collateral?” by Hans Degryse, Vasso Ioannidou, José María Liberti, and Jason Sturgesss. Editor’s Choice papers are free to read online.

Forthcoming Papers

“Hard Marriage with Heavy Burdens: Organized Labor as Takeover Deterrents” by Xuan Tian and Wenyu Wang “Banks’ Non-interest Income and Systemic Risk” by Markus K. Brunnermeier, Gang Dong, and Darius Palia

Forthcoming Papers

“How Do Executives Exercise Their Stock Options?” by Daniel Klein and Ernst Maug “Tournament Incentives and Acquisition Performance” by Iftekhar Hasan, Marco Navone, Thomas To, and Eliza Wu