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New Issue: February 11(1)

The February issue of RCFS has published! The Editor’s Choice paper is: “The Wisdom of Crowds in FinTech: Evidence from Initial Coin Offerings” Jongsub Lee, Tao Li, Donghwa Shin

Paper Spotlight: Seed-Stage Success and Growth of Angel Co-investment Networks

Angel investors, who invest their personal wealth, are more common than venture-capital (VC) investors in seed-stage startups. Yet, we know little about how these angel investors – with a more limited network than VCs – develop their financial networks. In a forthcoming RCFS paper, “Seed-Stage Success and Growth of Angel Co-investment Networks,” Buvaneshwaran Venugopal and Vijay Yerramilli show that co-investment is widespread among angel investors: Analyzing hand-collected data from the… Read More »Paper Spotlight: Seed-Stage Success and Growth of Angel Co-investment Networks

Forthcoming Paper

“The Disparate Effect of Nudges on Minority Groups” by Maya Haran Rosen and Orly Sade

Forthcoming Paper

“Banks, Political Capital, and Growth” by Thomas Lambert, Wolf Wagner, and Eden Quxian Zhang

RCFS Winter Conference: Decisions

Decisions for submitted papers and registered reports have been sent. If you selected dual submission, you will receive a separate email in the coming weeks.

Call for Papers: 11th MoFiR Workshop on Banking

The 11th MoFiR Workshop on Banking is now accepting submissions. Please see the Call for Papers. The workshop, which features a dual submission option with RCFS, will take place in Lisbon on July 5-6, 2022. The RCFS sponsoring editor is Andrew Ellul. The submission deadline is 6pm (GMT), Sunday January 30, 2022. 

Forthcoming Paper

“Do Ex-Bankers Benefit Non-Financial Firms? Evidence from Job Transitions” by Lucy Chernykh and Sergey Mityakov

Forthcoming Papers

“Passivity on the Board of Directors” by Chris Yung “Racial Disparities in Mortgage Lending: New Evidence based on Processing Time” by Bin Wei Federal and Feng Zhao