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Executive Editor Wayne Ferson

Wayne Ferson recently completed his second term as the Executive Editor of The Review of Asset Pricing Studies and, consequently, retired from that position in December 2017. Wayne was recruited to become the founding Executive Editor of The Review of Asset Pricing Studies and the first issue was published in December 2011. From the beginning of his work on the journal, Wayne was focused on creating a topflight journal, not… Read More »Executive Editor Wayne Ferson

Editorial Team Changes

RAPS is pleased to announce that Hui Chen will be joining our team as an Editor. We thank Raman Uppal, who will be retiring from his role as an Editor. RAPS welcomes the following Associate Editors: Pierre Collin-Dufresne, Hanno Lustig, Christopher Malloy, and Allan Timmermann. The following Associate Editors have been renewed for three-year terms: Kerry Back, Joel Hasbrouck, Albert Menkveld, and Stavros Panageas. All changes are effective July 1, 2018.

Winners of the RAPS Awards

The winners of the RAPS Awards were announced at the Awards Reception at SFS Cavalcade North America on May 23. We are pleased to share the winners: Best Paper Award “Crowded Positions: An Overlooked Systemic Risk for Central Clearing Parties” Albert Menkveld Prize: $20,000 Referee of the Year Awards Martijn Cremers, Roger Edelen Prizes: $1000 Rising Scholar Award “The Cross-Section of Expected Returns in the Secondary Corporate Loan Market” Mehdi Beyhaghi and Sina Ehsani Prize: $5000 Congratulations to… Read More »Winners of the RAPS Awards

Forthcoming Paper

“The Causal Effects of Short-Selling Bans: Evidence from Eligibility Thresholds” by Alan D Crane, Kevin Crotty, Sebastien Michenaud, and Patricia Naranjo

Forthcoming Paper

“Consumption-Income Sensitivity and Portfolio Choice” by Jawad M. Addoum, Stefanos Delikouras, and George Michael Korniotis

2018 Fixed Income and Financial Institutions

The 7th Fixed Income and Financial Institutions Conference (FIFI) will feature a dual submission option with RAPS. The RAPS sponsoring editor is Wayne Ferson. The deadline for paper submissions is November 23, 2017. The conference will take place April 27-28, 2018, at the Darla Moore School of Business of the University of South Carolina. The Call for Papers may be viewed here.

Forthcoming Paper

“Option Valuation with Volatility Components, Fat Tails, and Nonmonotonic Pricing Kernels” by Kadir Babaoglu, Peter Christoffersen, Steven Heston, and Kris Jacobs

Winners of the RAPS Awards

The winners of the RAPS Awards were announced at the Awards Reception at SFS Cavalcade North America. We are pleased to now share the winners: Best Paper Award “Economic Uncertainty and Interest Rates” Samuel Hartzmark Prize: $10,000 Referee of the Year Gergana Jostova Prize: $1000 Congratulations to all our award winners! For past award history, please visit our Awards page.

Editorial Team Changes

RAPS welcomes the following Associate Editors: Ralph Koijen, Clemens Sialm, Dimitri Vayanos, and Pietro Veronesi. We thank our retiring Associate Editors: Pierre Collin-Dufresne, Hanno Lustig, Christopher J. Malloy, and Allan Timmermann. All changes are effective July 1, 2017.