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Editor’s Choice

The Editor’s Choice article for RAPS 10(3) is “Do Proxies for Informed Trading Measure Informed Trading? Evidence from Illegal Insider Trades” by Kenneth R.Ahern. You can read the paper free online.

Forthcoming Papers

“Economic-state Variation in Uncertainty-Yield Dynamics” by Robert Connolly, David Dubofsky, and Chris Stivers “A Tale of Two Crises: The 2008 Mortgage Meltdown and the 2020 COVID-19 Crisis” by Chester Spatt

Forthcoming Papers

“COVID-19 and the Cross-Section of Equity Returns: Impact and Transmission” by Lorenzo Bretscher, Alex Hsu, Peter Simasek, and Andrea Tamoni “Earnings Expectations in the COVID Crisis” by Augustin Landier and David Thesmar

Forthcoming Paper

“A First Look at the Impact of COVID-19 on Commercial Real Estate Prices: Asset-Level Evidence” by David Ling, Chongyu Wang, and Tingyu Zhou

Forthcoming Papers

“Coronavirus: Impact on Stock Prices and Growth Expectations” by Niels J. Gormsen and Ralph S.J. Koijen “Mutual Fund Performance and Flows During the COVID-19 Crisis” by Lubos Pastor and Matthew Blair Vorsatz

Forthcoming Paper

“What Do Index Options Teach Us About Covid-19?” by Jens Carsten Jackwerth

Forthcoming Paper

“Volatility markets underreacted to the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic” by Ing-Haw Cheng

Invitation for Survey Proposals

The Review of Asset Pricing Studies seeks to occasionally publish high quality surveys of topics in asset pricing. Interested authors should send a brief proposal to Executive Editor Jeffrey Pontiff.  All areas of asset pricing will be considered.  If other surveys on the same topic have already been published, the proposal should note the potential marginal contribution.

Forthcoming Papers

“How Does Household Spending Respond to an Epidemic? Consumption During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic” by Scott Ross Baker, Robert Farrokhnia, Steffen Meyer, Michaela Pagel, and Constantine Yannelis “CDS Momentum: Slow Moving Credit Ratings and Cross-Market Spillovers” by Andy Naranjo, Jongsub Lee, and Stace Sirmans “The Unprecedented Stock Market Reaction to COVID-19” by Scott Ross Baker, Nicholas Bloom, Steven J Davis, Kyle Kost, Marco Sammon, and Tasaneeya Viratyosin